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It's been awhile since the Malik's came to Raizada Mansion. They leave no stone unturned for the Raizada's. From taunting  to threatening but all those were brushed off by them.

Morning, Arshi Room.

"I Know you are awake khushi, don't pretend to sleep." Arnav teased and khushi opened her eyes which made Arnav smiled.

"Let's shower together." Arnav suggested raising his brow and khushi blushed.

"I would be late for my first day at school Arnav." She murmured and Arnav hit his head.

"Ohh my bad Khushi." He lifted her up and she gasped, he stood in his naked glory carrying a blushing Khushi.

"You take your bath first, I would take mine when you are done. I don't want us to be late for our respective duties." He kissed her cheeks and left, Khushi blushed like a tomato.

Soon they all finished and went down to have breakfast. Since that incident khushi had stopped cooking even Sakshi.

"See the love birds now coming down." Sheetal taunts and they ignored her and sat on their respective seats.

"Maya I would taking you to school with me, your mother is coming with me." Arnav informed and she frowned before she opened her mouth sheetal beats her in.

"Why are you taking me with you?" Sheetal asked disgusted and Maya burst out into a fist of laughter.

"You aren't my mother Mrs Sheetal, you are just someone who sold her child and that moment you don't have the right to be  called 'that' child's mother and for your information Dad is talking about Khushi maa my mumma not you." She rolled her eyes and immediately left their premises.

"You don't train that kid respect and manners yet you call her your daughter." Ratna taunts khushi and khushi smiled.

"Her grandmother and Father did teach her and so did I, I just want to let you know that everything in this world is 'give and take'. As you saw she misunderstood my husband's speech and she just wanted to clarify it for her so that next time she doesn't repeat the same mistake she did, if you would excuse us, Arnav let's go." Arnav immediately Rose and they Left.

"So now that girl is controlling Arnav?" Dadi asked Sakshi and she ignored her completely as if no one was talking to her.

Arshi Car Ride

"Dad why didn't uncle come down for dinner? Did I make him sad?" Maya spoke and Arnav laughed.

"No dear, he had some business to take care of ,he left early morning. He promised to go on a second date with you if he  comes back." Arnav said and she grinned.

"Maya, good job." Khushi whispered and winked at her when she got down and Maya winked back, Arnav knew those two were cooking something but he shut his mouth.

Soon they arrived at her college and Arnav sense Khushi worried face and he squeezed her little palms.

"Just let go of the anxiety Khushi, no hard feeling okay." He rubbed her back and she nodded.

"As you wanted, no one would know you are married to  Arnav Singh Raizada." He pecked her lips and they said their goodbyes before he Left.

Khushi saw all kinds of students scattered , she breathe in and out before entering the school premises. All eyes were on her because of her kumkum but she ignored them and went to find the principal's office. She immediately got there.

"New student? Married?" The old man spoke and khushi smiled politely.

"Married." She said and the man nodded.

"Here's your week schedule, welcome to Delhi prestigious college." He said and dismissed her, khushi thought he might not like his work.

Soon she found her class and entered, only few of the students where present and khushi immediately found a spot in the middle and sat. Soon the class started packing with students. They all noticed a new face and it made them feel weird that she's married whilst attending college and it never happens to Indian girls. She could feel their eyes but she ignored them just then a girl tapped her and khushi irked her brow and the girl smiled.

"Geet is my name." She grinned and khushi smiled.

"You the only one who is not looking at me weirdly like the others." She said and the girl laughed.

"It's all new for them to see a married young girl in college." She shrugged and they both laughed and it clicked.

Class went like Blair and khushi had gotten a new friend geet. They had done everything together the whole day and it was time for them to say goodbye.

"See you tomorrow khushi." Geet shouted when her ride came and khushi waved, she entered the car and was expecting Mohan but Arnav was the one behind the wheel and khushi frowned.

"Don't you have work to do, it's 4:00 pm." She asked and he smiled.

"I'm the boss khushi." He shrugged and khushi smacked his head.

"Ounch pumpkin." He glared.

"Don't slack around next time Mr Raizada." She threatened with her fist and Arnav gulped. He changed the topic.

"Did you make friends?" He asked and she smiled.

"Yes, I made a friend. Her name is geet, she was so nice. The rest where looking at me like an alien from planet orbit all because of my kumkum." She complained and Arnav listened to her blabber till they got home.

They heard some commotion in the house and they both frowned. When they got inside they saw a very angry Chandra, he was beyond the word angry with an embarrassed Anjali in only her towel. Maya was behind Chandra.

"What in the hell is going on here." He asked and it was quite.

"WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON IN MY HOUSE DAMNIT." He used ASR tone and the Malik's flinch.

"This brat had the audacity to spike my tea with a libido drug and that wasn't enough, when she realised I was about to go to my room she went early and was on my damn birth naked telling me to sleep with her to quench her thirst, is she nuts. Doesn't she get it, I'm not interested in any woman since my wife Aya died she would be my first and last love put that into your useless brain, when a man tells you a NO is a NO. I don't turn back my words lady. Mind you, this is your last warning if you dare try any funny business with me again I would make sure you see hell, what they called brutal hell but you want sex I can arrange for you to go to Lucknow male cell, there are a lot of hormonic male beast in there you could satisfy them since you want sex. And you Ratna or what ever your name is don't you dare instigate her towards me, crazy ladies." He let his frustration out and left.

The whole family was shocked, they have never in their life seen Chandra angry before and he is a mini version of ASR.


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