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Chandra was a handsome man and is still a handsome man. His long hair and perfect jaw and eyes compliments his body.

Since his high school girls use to swamped him like sugar that attracts ants. He never paid any hid to those girls because he knew what they want, to date him and get into his pants and bragged about it.

He wanted someone who would look at him with love not lust, someone who would understand him and someone who would be with him forever no matter the hindrances in life. Someone to be proud to be called a wife, his everything.

He met Aya when he was in college, a quiet and aloof girl. She was the definition of beauty but he realized she doesn't have friends nor a best friend to move with. He was lucky when he was paired with her for project work and it clicked there. They started off as strangers and became lovers. He got married to her, his adoptive parents where in support of their relationship.

Everything came crushing down when they stepped foot in Lucknow, he should call it the cursed city. His wife started behaving strange and he had no idea, when ever he confronts her she says 'am okay' . He begin to suspect Shyam but he had no proof, when he got the proof the bastard tainted his name.

He felt Aya's DEATH, he felt it and when a devastated  Garima and payal visited him he knew that was it. Their family is destroyed.

Chandra's Pov

I never and ever dreamnt of leaving the shit hole prison. I didn't even made a mistake of dreaming because I know I would never be out, God being so wonderful, payal happens to meet Arnav through khushi and the bastard showed himself and everything is revealed then the bastard payed his deeds and am out of prison with the help of Arnav.

I feel like am being a burden, my little company I had was robbed out of my hands by that bastard after I was in prison. Now I need to explore Delhi, rest my mind before jumping to anything and I feel kinda a burden to Arnav.

I know am handsome and I attract women and sometimes men, even though while I was in prison most of the gay inmates tried luring me and I made it clear I was straight.

I didn't Know I attract little kids like Maya. I just thought she was clingy and cared for me I didn't realize it was affection she was showing me.

And that little brain she has, a smart one and am worried when she turns eighteen she would want her wish of marrying me to be full filled and that's what am dreading for. She is cute and I see her as my daughter. God help me.

I don't know how to feel about Aya, whether to cry out. Sometimes I blame myself, if only I hadn't Insisted we should come to Lucknow like she wouldn't have been dead.

Arshi's Room

"I still can't believe that girl said her heart beats for Chandra, this little girl would be the death of us one-day khushi, everyday new avatar of her keeps revealing. Her knowledge and brain isn't a brain of her age." Arnav said worriedly.

"I know how much you are confused right now but we have to be patient with her. She always amazes us with her brain everyday. And am afraid the affection she has for him might double in the near future, all we have to hope is for it to fade." She reassured and Arnav nodded.

"So your heart does dhak dhak when you liked me." Arnav teased and khushi blushed.

"Arnav." She warned and he laughed.

"Let's sleep." They went to bed.

Next Morning

Everyone was having their breakfast when Nk spoke.

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