chapter forty-seven

Start from the beginning

As she stepped in, Willow opened the notebook again, "So, I've been reading all your journals like I said I would," she began to slightly pace back and forth in the room.

"So?" Georgia urged her to continue. She was carefully brushing mascara onto her lashes where she sat in front of the mirror.

"So. . ," Willow hesitated, not wanting to offend the girl that barely liked her, "So, I just noticed a lot of spelling errors. Like, letter flipping."

Georgia slowly turned in her chair, blinking at Willow, "So what? I was rushing to write most of that, Willow, I wasn't paying attention."

Willow gulped, going to sit on the edge of Georgia's bed. She set aside the notebook, instead leaning forward with her elbows against her knees, "Gia, I'm not trying to offend you or be mean. But, I've seen your grades, even before Scott got bit or it all got crazy. I know you've been struggling for a long time, honey."

Georgia glanced down at the shaggy rug on the floor, unable to respond. It was quiet for a few seconds before Willow decided to continue.

"Nate was dyslexic, I'm sure you know already," Willow also bowed her head, slightly embarrassed despite how hard she tried not to be, "I was—or, I guess I still am, too. It's just bad genetics, we get it from mom."

"You're dyslexic, too?" Georgia glanced up shyly. It was weird to be open with Willow when not in a high-intensity moment. Like they were choosing to communicate rather than it all bursting out in a chaotic eruption.

"Yeah," Willow nodded, forcing a small smile, "It was really hard when I was in high school, but mom got me help. I had a tutor, and I had a help teacher at school I could go to," she sat up, face brightened at the idea of finally putting in work for Georgia, "I could call the school, have you tested too."

"I'm already in the basic classes, I don't wanna get put in dumb classes without my friends," Georgia worried, shaking her head. She was reminded of how her journalism teacher tried to help her, and the way she lashed out.

"You wouldn't have to switch classes," Willow assured, "You'd still be with your friends. You'd just get a little longer on tests and things where you have to read, and you could stop by the guidance office if you need help going over something," Willow then sighed, shrugging, "You know I can always help you, too."

Georgia cracked a small smile at the way how Willow was so bashful, "Two dyslexic brains equal one normal one, huh?"

The sisters were able to laugh a little together. Willow agreed before she had to go get ready for work. She had a case a town over, and packed one of Georgia's notebooks to read when she had free time.

The sound of a horn honking outside had Georgia scrambling to grab her backpack and tug some shoes on. She jogged downstairs, hollering a goodbye to Willow on the way.

Georgia smiled when she spotted Stiles behind the wheel of Roscoe. She ran on over, getting in the passenger seat.

"Well don't you look cute," Stiles complimented, greeting her with a kiss to the cheek.

Georgia smiled a little wider as she got buckled, "Why thank you, there's this boy at school I'm trying to impress."

"Oh really?" Stiles played along, backing out of the driveway and onto the main road.

"Yeah, he's really hot but also sort of a geek, ya know?" she teased, giggling over her own joke to herself.

"Sounds like a lucky guy," Stiles was blushing a little as he headed towards the school. Georgia turned to face him in amusement.

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