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Talulah was sound asleep in her apartment, with the glowing moonlight shining through her window blending in with the blue and light blue striped wallpaper. Talulah was an average girl, she looks like what you would see as a normal sixteen-year-old girl with long pink hair tied up in ponytails, but she wasn't. 

 She had a lot in her life, that most people didn't know about, or cared about, which she was fine with. The only people who knew what she had behind her normal face were her friends, Callie and Eva, they hang out every now with and then, with some of their other friends, but one night, something happened... something strange... something shocking... something... life-changing...

One dark blue Friday night, Talulah's phone was getting a call, around 12 am, she was barely getting up when she heard it, she wasn't a morning person. She got up and reached for her phone, It was Callie.

Talulah: Well, (yawns) It is like us to chat in the middle of the night, but this seems kinda early... giving how we usually chat after 12 am...

Talulah presses call and put the phone to her ear.

Callie: Hey Talulah! Uh... so... remember when I said we could hang out tomorrow?

Talulah: Yeah... why are we talking about this now?

Callie: Well... uh... I'm kinda busy right now so... could we reschedule?

Talulah: What? Why? We've been rescheduling all week! Do you have to do it again?

Callie: Yeah but... I'm very busy...

Talulah: With what? You don't have a job, and you've finished all your schoolwork for this week! What on earth could you be doing?

Callie: Uh... I... have to go! (Hangs up phone)

The call ended and Talulah stares blankly at the wall...

Talulah: What... was that all about? Callie's been reschedulings things for weeks! What is she so busy with?! Why does she have to reschedule so much?!

Then Talulah remembered something, she puts trackers on all her friend's phones for safety, she wasn't a stalker she just wanted her friends to be safe... she worries about that a lot. She checked for Callie's phone... and saw her location...

Willy's wonderland...

Talulah: Oh no... Callie, please don't tell me! 

Talulah remembered the legends of that place, how much she and Callie were obsessed with it, and how it was nearby but no one dared to go near it due to its dark history...(like I said this will only make sense if you've seen the movie) and now Callie was in there... alone... for some reason... and Talulah had to find out.

Talulah quickly got out of her bed and rushed into the other room, she got on her normal white hoodie and black sweatpants and rushed to the door. But before she did, she looked to the right and saw her desk, there was her shiny silver necklace, the one that used to belong to her mother... she stared at it, with thought. The secrets she held within her... she remembered, she looked out the door, then looked back at the necklace, she grabbed the necklace and tied it around her neck, then left her apartment and knocked on the door to the room across the hall, where her neighbor Martha lived.

Martha and Talulah meet a few years back in school and they became fast friends, then they just recently moved into apartments together so they could be neighbors. Martha had short orange hair with one side of it longer than the other, she had light brown eyes, and her normal wear was a gray shirt with ripped jeans, she also wore a red bow in her hair, which she got from a Halloween old costume.

 Martha had short orange hair with one side of it longer than the other, she had light brown eyes, and her normal wear was a gray shirt with ripped jeans, she also wore a red bow in her hair, which she got from a Halloween old costume

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But at night she was wearing a dark orange nightgown and was more tired than ever when woken up.

Talulah: Martha, I'm going to be out for tonight, I need you to watch Veronica while I'm gone!

Martha: Talulah...(Yawns) It's midnight can't this wait?

Talulah: Look, I can't reschedule this, Callie could be in danger, and I need to help her, so could you just watch Veronica? Look... All you have to do this time is stay in my room, I'll let you sleep in my bed and you can do anything you want until I get back! 

Martha: Fineeeeee...

Talulah grabbed Martha and pushed her onto the bed, she just plopped down like she was dead, but don't worry, she wasn't. Talulah walked over to the closet and opened it, there, in front of the clothes and boxes, was a small child, a child, with ears... rabbit ears, It was Veronica, Talulah's... Rabbit human Hybrid thing, that has been living with her for a few months.

Talulah found Veronica abandoned in the park a few months back, and ever since she has been living with Talulah and basically became her daughter, she was four years old, but she was surprisingly mature for her age

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Talulah found Veronica abandoned in the park a few months back, and ever since she has been living with Talulah and basically became her daughter, she was four years old, but she was surprisingly mature for her age. At times when Talulah went out, Martha was the one to take care of Veronica while Talulah was gone, and tonight Martha so tired she could sleep through the sound of a plane crash but, she "took care" of her anyway. 

Talulah looked back at Martha sleeping on her bed... 

Talulah(thoughts): maybe I should have hired someone else... whatever, I have no time. 

Talulah gave Veronica a small kiss on the head, then quickly left. Talulah was gonna find out what the hell was going on...

At Willy's Wonderland. 

I'm not sure whether to say if this is good or not, but I hope you enjoyed it, I'll try to upload more soon.

Word count: 980 

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