By the way my lips were trembling I knew my eyes simply weren’t ready for this, I turned my head hastily in a poor attempt to stop myself from staring.

“Honestly, you had to pull that stunt didn’t you?” I murmured. I tried to keep my eyes on the pool beside us but he kept flexing and moving in front of me, making it near impossible. I hated that he knew he was having this stupid effect on me.

I heard him laugh.

I was just about to comment on his vanity when without warning, I was pushed. I went tumbling into the deep end of Keith’s pool.

It was only when I reached the tiled bottom that I came to the dismaying realisation that I couldn’t swim. I used all the might I had in my arms to thrust myself upwards but it only made matters worse because I felt myself sink deeper. I closed my eyes and tried to convince myself that this wasn’t real but by the way my heart was beating against my chest and the feeling of my  lungs  being squeezed smaller by the pressure, I knew this was undeniably  a harsh reality.

Why was this happening, and why wasn’t anyone helping me, surely Adam wouldn’t just push me and walk off. Or couldn’t he? I couldn’t help but feel stupid for falling for his stupid tricks again. I kinda knew his sudden kindness to me was too good to be true.

But that wasn’t what occupied my thoughts at this moment. I was trying as hard as possible not to die, again.

 All I could hear was the rumble of the clear liquid that had surrounded me and the faint sound of voices which I wasn’t sure were just in my head or not.

After struggling for what felt like forever, I finally felt someone pull me up out of the water.

Immediately I touched the grass again, I spluttered the sour tasting water out of my throat. And slumped back to the ground to catch my breath.


“Not cool, Summer.”

“No fuck you Riley, next time tell your dumb bitch of a friend to stay the fuck away from my boyfriend!”

The sudden sound of a slap was heard before I opened my eyes again. It took me a while to regain my senses but when I did the first this that caught my sight was Riley being held back by a bunch of people and summer with her left hand on her cheek.

“No! Get off me Keith, this stupid bitch wants it.” Riley struggled under the hold of the boys.

“Crazy bitch! Come near me one more time and I’ll cut you!” Summer yelled. But contradicting her words by backing away.

My mouth was left slightly ajar due to the shock of taking all of this in. Like come on, I’d only just got back to breathing properly and the first thing I witness is a fight. I didn’t even know where Adam was and as much as I hate to admit it, it upset me.

I began to feel woozy again because the sensation of being under water was still amidst. And not to mention I was freezing my non-existent balls off.

“Eva get up.”

Riley looked down at. She looked much calmer than she did when she was being held back by those boys. But her hair had fallen down from her previous bun and her eyeliner was smudged slightly. I couldn’t help but feel like the biggest hindrance ever. She come out tonight to have fun with her school friends and I’m like this stupid little girl who can’t take care of herself. Sometimes I wonder the reason why she’s to kind to me. We hadn’t known each other for long at all but she was always the first to make sure im okay.

I hung unto her ask she pulled me off the damp grass on which I layed.

“Fucking hell you’re pale.” She muttered.

“hmm” was all I could get out. I was shivering like crazy and my sight was still fuzzy.

Before I knew it she’d already pulled me through the sweaty people and inside a room in the huge house.

“M_M_Mum is going to kill me.” I shivered.

Riley shut the door behind her and switched on the lights. It burned my eyes for a short second before I adjusted my sight to it.

“Don’t worry about it.” She started rummaging through the closet behind her and pulled out some clothes before chucking them on the bed. I guessed from the gaming consoles on the desk that this was probably Kieth’s room.

I stripped from my drenched jumper and sat on the bed in just my bra and jeans, drying myself with the towel Riley handed me.

“You look so dead it scares the shit out of me” she sat on the edge of the bed with her arms crossed.

After a few more awkward silences, I spoke.

“Im sorry R_”

“Don’t bother.” She shook her head lightly and poceeded to help me get into a dry shirt  “My head is hurting too much for me to argue with you, let just get you home and..”

As she trailed off my eyes caught on to the fact that behind her, the doors had opened and stood In the way was Adam. It took me while before I came to the realisation that the dark figure was in fact him.

 He just stood there staring at me, he didn’t say anything, He just stood there with his hands in the pocket of his dark jeans. Then he strutted inside. Riley noticed him come in and followed his move as I did. He was coming to see if I was okay, to apologise for pushing me.

A small smile crept on my face at this sudden enigma.

But no. He didn’t come to me, he walked past me, picked up a handbag which sat on the side table, and without a backward glance, walked out of the room.

I didn’t know why this hurt me so much. I guess it was because the hand bag he’d picked up was Summer’s. He valued his stupid girlfriend’s Primark (Michael Kors) shit more than he did making sure I was okay.


 It was a different type of hurt to one I felt when he shamed me at Prom last year. This hurt sucked. It sucked so bad.

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