Lucas:Come on

I got up and slide my shoes on grabbing my phone walking out the door he opened my door for me and I thanked him getting in he walked to his side

Me:Where we going

Lucas:Handle buisness and just to get out the house

I nodded and laid back getting on my phone the car came to a stop and I looked to see a nice looking house he motioned for me to come on and I got out closing the door

He grabbed my hand as we walked inside the house there were drugs and guns everywhere they greeted Lucas as he walked inside we walked to a room it was an office I sat down in the chair

Me: So this your second organization

Lucas: 3rd

Me:Lu how many organizations do you have ?

Lucas: 6 You helping me run this one

I nodded and some dude walked in they dap and they started talking

Dude:Hi Mrs.Coly


Lucas:he gon show you around and how everything works

I nodded and he kissed my lips grabbing my booty we pulled away and I walked with Trey

Trey:This is where we ship everything through these cars the gun range is that room the drugs are made in this kitchen hookers are in this room getting ready to go out and sell as well they use condoms so they clean

Me:Okay doesn't seem hard to me

Trey:You know how to shoot a gun

Me:You must not know who my family is then

Trey:Wait You in the cartel family

Me:Yes so half of y'all suppliers come from us

He dapped me up and I laughed thanking him going back to the office Lucas was sitting in the big chair I walked over sitting on his lap taking the blunt from him I took 3 puffs and gave it back

Lucas:So you know how everything goes now right ?

Me:Yes Lucas

Lucas:Well you're in charge of making sure the girls get the right amount of money you take our half and give them their half


I put the blunt out and blowed my smoke in Lucas mouth he kissed me and I smirked getting up leaving the room I went to the girls part of the house I walked inside and half of them were naked or doing hair

Me:Hey girlies I'm lucas's -....

Girl:Wife were happy to finally meet you

Me:I'm happy to meet you all as well , I just came to check and make sure y'all are okay with the mission tonight

They all nodded and I smiled I got to know each and every one of them they were cool and had no problem getting the job done

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