CHAPTER 3 - The Earl's Crimes END

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Finally! The introduction to The Cat in the Night for the Moriarty brothers!!! I wonder how well they will respond ;) Plus a special CG for today's chapter which I have worked very hard on~!

As some of you know, I am following the manga of Yuukoku no Moriarty, I find this easier to write. I hope you understand if anything is different! :) It isn't that much different from the anime haha.


Have you heard?
About...The Cat in the Night?

While that rumor was only a few years old, it felt like forever for 28-year-old Y/N L/N.

Truth be told, she didn't even belong in this world. Yes, isekai'ed, Y/N knew she was in an anime. Though not knowing which one. She didn't watch it after all.

She had no intention of going back there though. She loved where she was and decided over...a few sleepless nights that she would stay. She didn't even know how she got there anyway. She would say...she arrived around 7 years ago. Enough for the name The Cat in the Night to be widespread. She understood that somehow the plot seemed to revolve around the Moriarty family and like many others, she wanted the secret out. What made the air around them seem so menacing. She could only deduce that the Moriarty family was indeed the Lord of Crime.

But you didn't see how in the world the Lord of Crime would get in your plan. You were doing the same thing they were doing. Fine you admit, a little more escalated. But soon, you'll strike Duke Dublin...for everything he's done. You were even aware of when he ruthlessly killed Michelle's child.

From the other maids, the night was a terrible storm raining cats and dogs too. The local doctor was even unfortunately out of town.

Apparently, they went to Duke Dublin to beg for his private doctor but all he complained about was the carpet. Even made of them for how much they could even pay for the doctor to give their son some water. That maid has now retired due to overworking...You wish you could have been here sooner. 3 years were ---- --- ------- --- -- -- ---------- - -- ---- and-

"[Name], come on. There is no time to dawdle, we need to prepare for the dinner that Duke Dublin wanted with the Moriarty family." One of the maids snaps you out of your thoughts. You still held the plate over the table. You laugh awkwardly, "I'm coming..."

Unknown to anyone, with your gaudy robin hood outfit you had already told Michelle the plan. Around the time before you met William. By now she must have bought grapefruits for the knew, it really wasn't creative but what else could you do?

You stood next to Duke Dublin, he was currently stressing about the money needed to be paid. Till finally, the Moriarty brother arrived. You knew what they were doing. From William's antics, you called it. It seemed he wanted to be on everyone's good side. Most likely for them to ban together and beat Duke Dublin.

"Also, M.Baton came to see you."

Ah, just as planned. Everything will go well.

"Baton? Who the hell are you..?" Duke Dublin seemed confused.

"I'm the representative of the workers. I'm also going to participate in the meeting." Baton's eyes narrowed hate towards the duke. You felt your stomach tingle in excitement. The show was just about to start!

Baton gave the grapefruits to the butler, who would use the grapefruit in their pie for tonight. How was that planned? Well, you could maximally use the effectiveness in the pie to really sear the flavor in.

The 'war' had finally started. As the Duke's 'favored maid' you stood right beside him. Though didn't bother to look interested in defending the Duke.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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The Cat in Night (Yuukoku no Moriarty various x Fem!Reader) HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now