visiting vegas (4) -Continued-

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Criss puts his arm on the couch and sits back with his one leg on the other, like a "4" shape. he looks at me and says "I know that you just got here like not even 4 hours ago, but I think you should stay in Vegas with me.. do some shows with me and meet all my cast members.. and Chystyna. You know you're already in the Mindfreak tour, right?" I looked back at him and smiled like a idiot when you read your boyfriend/girlfriends sweet text messages over again. I said "I thought Id just be in one show." I said amazed. Criss laughed and put his hand over his mouth for about a second and said "No. I've chosen you to be here for 3 months for the shows. I think "I'm leaving in 2WEEKS!" Then I say out loud "Criss.. I'm staying until March 12th..." I say with tears down my face. "I can't reschedule my flight.. it's too much-" ..I was interrupted when he said "I will take care of that". he puts his hands on my knees and says "will you stay?" I look around smirking and yell "YES!" - Well. now I'm staying for 3 months. this will probably be a 25 chapter story. 💁- Criss calls his manager and tells her the good news. The manager shouts to everyone "he found a girl for his shows!" Everyone cheered. I looked at him and say "why is everyone cheering?" Criss says " we have been looking for you for a while" Criss smiled. I got so excited I had to take a sip of my water. Criss holds my hand and says "are you ready to go?" I say "yes!, where are we going?" he says "to Serenity".

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