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A Dark room a man of late twenties were smoking suddenly his phone is ringing...he took the phone with a smirk.

    Caller:Work is done Boss
    Man:well done Angre......this is the reward for back stabbing VR..his body should be chopped into millions of pieces and just into sea for fish... No one dare to repeat mistake...
Angre:yes will be done....

He cut his phn with a smirk and said.good bye mr mehra.........

Vansh pov

Mehra was my business friend but he try to gave information about my business to my VR s  DICTIONARY  there is no humanity........and no mercyness for betrayals...

Vansh pov end
He get ready for his office..and came down by descending the stares with his full aura he looks like a greek god.. His well trimmed beared face.well gelled hairs gave him a perfect gentleman look..

He never enjoyed with his family because he has to do all the responsibility in his early age...that is the main reason he became the vr now who has cold heart....

Every family members were fearfully looked at him.. But he didn't spare a.single glance towards them......Everyone gulped in fear...

After he went out of the house  every one took a deep sign which hold from his arrival

His family has no emotional relationship with one dare to question him....or back answer him.everything and everyone is under his control...there is everything should be in punctual including food....after that time every one should do and no one will provide food not even elders......

HIS OBSESSION TOWARDS HER.........A RIANSH STORYWhere stories live. Discover now