Chapter 3: Double Dungeon (Pt.II)

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"An altar?"

"You know, like the one from mythologies where they sacrificed living brings for their lord."

Mr. Kim was the first one to speak, "I think I understand."

He unsheathed the sword at his waist. Normally the weapon was used to slay magic beasts but this time its purpose was different. "Even an idiot like me can understand what's going on."

The other hunters looked at him and his sharp blade in apprehension. Mr. Song's C-rank was the highest in the party. With him out of commission, there was no one else in the party who could match Mr. Kim whose skills shown even amongst the D-ranks.

He pointed his sword at the altar. "The last commandment was 'Prove your faith', and this altar appeared in the middle of the room." He shifted his gaze to Jin-Woo.

"We have to sacrifice someone at the altar, right Mr. Sung?"

Jin-Woo nodded. It was his guess as well. One of the living eight had to become a sacrifice. Sang-Ook has not said anything for a while either, but the shorter man was trying to focus on staying awake and not bleeding out. They did both notice when Mr. Kim began approaching them, specifically Mr. Song who was overlooking their injuries, with a strange look in his eyes.

"Ahjussi... what are you going to–"

"Just sit there quietly!"

He pointed his sword at the C-rank. "Who is the one who dragged us all here? It's Mr. Song right here! Someone who bragged about his wife and two kids was cleaved in half, and nine other people were also killed." He gave the man a harsh glare, "You agreed to take responsibility just now, right? Then prove it, now."


Sang-Ook frowned. 'That's a bit irrational when they have someone literally bleeding to death right now. They could just use me. I even got insurance so Hye and Hae should have enough to live and pay for college.' He did not have high hopes of living with this much blood he could feel poking through his crude bandages. 'Not only that, everyone put it to a vote. If anything more than half of us are responsible for these deaths.'

Mr. Song shook his head without a word. His eyes begged for the other two injured men to stay quiet. He could see that Jin-Woo and Sang-Ook were the ones that wanted to stop this and would actually try to stop it. Jin-Woo was about to say something, but he swallowed his words and Sang-Ook sighed as he closed his eyes.

The leader slowly got up. "Mr. Kim is right. I have to take responsibility. I want to go by myself so please take that sword away from me." He began making his way towards the altar.

Jin-Woo sat up a bit, ignoring the protest from his wounds and from Ju-Hee. 'It wasn't his fault! We all voted to come here! It's cowardly to say it's his fault now!'

He felt a tug on his sleeve and looked down at his best friend. "You'll bleed out more."

Jin-Woo wanted to laugh and say that the brunet was in no place to talk. Out of the two of them, most of the blood pooling on the ground belonged to his friend. It was enough to make Jin-Woo feel sick to his stomach and pray to every deity possible to keep Sang-Ook alive.

They continued watching with the rest of the hunters in trepidation as Mr. Kim followed behind Mr. Song with the sword pointed at the leader's back.

A red flame had appeared at the edges of the middle area where the altar was once Mr. Song had gotten on top of the platform. All those gathered gulped as they cautiously prepared for what would happen next.

But nothing happened aside from the appearance of the single red flame.

Mr. Song called back. "Hey, Mr. Sung! Is this not what we're supposed to do?"

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