Ch. 18 Insider Info...

Start from the beginning

Hitoka looks at you wide-eyed and speechless, I mean honestly how do you respond to that.

"I know, I know." You continue "and then he carried me home."

Hitoka looks dumb founded but finally finds her voice. "He what?"

"He carried me home?" It comes out more as a question because your not quite sure if that's the part she needed you to repeat.

"Tadashi! Did you just hear what Y/n said?" Yamaguchi comes back from the kitchen. "Tsukki carried her home..."

Yamaguchi plops into a chair, puzzled look gracing his freckled face. "Well that's new?"

"What? Is it really that shocking?" You ask

Yamaguchi looks at you with a disbelieving chuckle "yeah kinda."

'Well now... I didn't expect that much of a reaction...'

"We actually had I pretty decent conversation too, he told me about a previous relationship of his... if you could call it that. He didn't really seem like he could remember much of it. Also told me his opinion on relationships too..."

The more you talk the more Yamaguchi looks surprised but is also smiling.

"What? What's the smile for?" You question.

"Oh nothing just pleasantly surprised you managed to get so much information out of him. I don't know if you noticed but he not really one to open up and share." Yamaguchi chuckles. Hitoka sitting across from you on the couch nods enthusiastically.

You laugh "Nooo really?" You say sarcastically. "I was kinda surprised too honestly, I'd have better luck squeezing water from a stone but I guess I rate a little higher than just convenient booty call, so that's good..." as you joke. "Seriously though, Yam's I need to pick your brain about him."

Yamaguchi looks a little hesitant to say anything. "I'm not asking for raunchy details Yams but you're also not gonna shock me with anything. You don't get that good at sex without racking up some numbers. Especially when you feel the way he does about relationships."

You can see Yamaguchi visibly relax, "It's funny you actually say that..."

"Say what?"

"The good at sex thing, I actually overheard a conversation he was having once. He was criticizing these guys for not properly pleasing their women. It was actually pretty funny. They looked like he re-issued them their virginity cards as if to say 'do not pass go, do not collect $200, please try again later you useless hacks' ." Yamaguchi laughs so hard his eyes water.

You could totally see Tsukki doing exactly that. "Why do I feel like he probably told them he could fuck their girlfriends better than them."
Yamaguchi just laughs harder saying that's exactly what he said.

'Of course he would... *eye roll* cocky asshole...pretty sure those guys probably felt ant sized once he was done with them...'

As Yamaguchi's laughing calms you finally say how you're feeling, "Honestly... I just want to know more about him so I can understand him better."

Yamaguchi smiles at you compassionately, "I'm glad to hear you say that... You know, it's strange, I've never seen him like this with anyone."

Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsukishima x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now