She knew out there was someone who was better than her for him, and she was selfish enough to be scared to lose him. But was is selfishness or was it just love?

"We will divide this interview in three sections. The first one will be a round of internet most asked questions about you guys, the second one will be "who does the most", and the third one will be a mission for you", she smiled.

"Okay, let's get it started!", Eunsae mirrored the interviewer.

The legal advisor had a meeting with them thirty minutes prior to the interview. There were certain things he discussed that they had to follow through with.

For instance, they weren't allowed to reveal that they had been forced to break up. They weren't allowed to make any suggestive comments –not that they could, because all they'd ever done was kiss and cuddle–, and mostly they were explicitly banned from mentioning BTS and TXT if the interviewer hadn't mentioned in the question.

It all made Eunsae more nervous, feeling like she would break a rule and would be hanged for it. She felt as though they would hang her if they could. To use her as an example of what you should not do in an interview.

It was also the first time she was being interviewed without her members or her cast friends from the dramas she'd recorded, so it was scary. Many times the boys has helped her and had answered for her, but by the way Sunghoon looked like he was about to faint, she knew he was terrified too. Maybe more.

She looked at him and they shared a cute smile, and she wanted nothing more than to brush her lips against his cheeks and caress his hair. But she knew better.

"Okay, so first question... what was your first impression of each other?", the interviewer asked. Eunsae hadn't even tried to memorize her name.

"Hmm...", Sunghoon closed his eyes with his finger towards his chin, as if he was thinking. "I thought she was really small".

"Yah!", Eunsae raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend's antics, while he giggled to himself. "I thought he was really shy and quiet", she answered and nodded with a small smile.

They'd come a long way ever si ce they first met, and she was happy everything worked out the way it did.

"That's what a lot of fans think! There's memes about Eunsae talking to Sunghoon and comparing it to talking to a wall, because he seems super quiet".

Eunsae giggled and looked at her boyfriend's tinted cheeks. He looked adorable.

"Actually we talk about everything and anything. It's really great because we were friends before becoming a couple, and we hang out as friends with all the members, too", Sunghoon shrugged. "Being around them is super cool and they really support us".

Eunsae nodded, rolling her lips against one another before her mind went to that time Heeseung caught them kissing and wouldn't shut up about it for weeks. Or when Jungwon third-wheeled for them and insisted he'd walk in between, holding both their hands and swinging them with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

The questions-section of the interview came out as smoothly as possible, and now it was time for the "who does the most" segment of the interview. They both were handed two cards, with memefaces from both of them, and they would be given a sentence. They would have to hold out the card for who out of the both of them did it the most.

"Question number one", the interviewer stated. "Who loves skinship more?".

Eunsae took a second to think. They both really liked being around each other, but she would initiate a kiss or some sort of affection display more often than him.

eight || enhypen (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now