After that, they were called by Bang Sihyuk towards his office the next day, first thing to do for that morning.

"I need to understand this", the man had said. "Please tell me what your father meant by finding love, Moon Eunsae", his eyes were filled with confusion.

"Well...", she had started but stopped mid sentence. She couldn't do this, she couldn't lose him after everything.

"Well, what?", he sighed.

She sighed too, and Sunghoon sighed after. She almost laughed at the sighing chain, but chose not to because this was going to be hard.

"You remember you told us we could date but keep it a secret?", her voice was almost like a whisper, her eyes avoiding his.

"So you took that advice as if it was actually advice?", his voice was now a little stern and she tried to hold in a whimper.

"We're dating", Sunghoon finished for her and held hope in his eyes.

"You can't", Sihyuk stated.

"Wh– why not? It's not like we're doing something risky, or bringing anyone else into this, and we love each other", her boyfriend stated with all the calmness that she lacked at the moment.

She was freaking out internally, but he was peaceful. He was hopeful.

But she wasn't.

"Well... that's really sweet, but I'm going to need you to stop seeing each other right now", Sihyuk stated and opened a drawer, taking a file filled with papers and going through them. "And you're going to sign this".

He found the papers he was looking for ant took two out.

"What are those?"

"Should we call our parents?", Sunghoon asked after her.

"You're both legal in Korea, so no need to call your parents", he replied and lay a copy of each in front them.

"What are those?", she asked louder this time.

"Contracts. They state that if you keep on seeing each other, you will face consequences", he said simply.


"I should've made you sign these a long time ago", the man rubbed his temple.

"Are BTS signed?", her eyes filled with tears. The man nodded, as if it was obvious.

"Yeah, they're all for their fans until the end of their contracts".

"They are people", she defended. "They love, and they feel, and they have the right to be happy".

"Yeah, after BTS ends, they will. Until then, they'll be single for their fans, for the world to see", he shrugged.

"This is disgusting", she stated.

"You're welcome to leave the band if this contract doesn't suit you", the man raised an eyebrow.

She avoided his gaze again, the pain of heartbreak being too much to bear. She felt a lump in her throat and the tears flowing from her eyes, and an enormous pressure on her chest. She looked towards Sunghoon, who looked helpless as well.

"You mean him or music?", she said painfully.

"I mean him or music", Sihyuk nodded.

"I can't do that", she mumbled, her fingers playing on top of her lap, twirling and twisting.

"Moonie", Sunghoon took her hand in his and squeezed lightly, smiling at her even though his heart was broken into a million pieces. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay", he mumbled and dried her cheeks with his thumbs.

eight || enhypen (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now