#39 Prom Planning.

Start from the beginning

"Really? You went shopping on a Saturday! I have a hard time picturing that! You hate crowds!"

"Hehe.. yeah, I do.. but believe it or not I.. actually had a lot of fun. It's the first time I've hung out with Diane and Elaine in awhile and they were really nice. Not to mention we ran into Elizabeth and she even joined us towards the end."

"Wow, I can't imagine little miss princess shopping at the mall."

"She's actually really nice Ban, it's just that she has a lot of rules she has to follow."

"Yeah well I still don't like how okay she is with the whole signing thing. Besides, even if that's true she doesn't have to follow them to the point of being so fake."

"I thought you liked her? You were fine with her when she would sit with us to eat."

"Yeah because you wanted her there. Not to mention we didn't just eat lunch with her, we also had a million of her friends crowding us too. Some would even throw food at you! Man that pissed me off.."

Meliodas chuckled, mainly because he had forgotten how protective Ban was. If he was being honest, he kind of missed it.

"Well maybe you didn't get to know her well enough, when you come to visit again we should all go out to lunch. You, me, Diane, Elaine, and Elizabeth! I think you and Elaine would get along really well."

"I've met her remember? We talked a little."

"Yeah but she was just a friend of a friend, I would like it if we were all friends together!"

Ban smiled, something the demon missed dearly.

"Ya know, I missed that kind of innocent optimism you have. I still don't know how you manage to keep it in this crazy world, but it's so refreshing compared to this dump."

"What do you mean? Do you not like it there."

"Just forget I said anything, I didn't mean to worry ya."

"No, Ban... what's it like there? You've kept the camera pretty focused on you the whole time, what aren't you wanting to show me?"

"It's... It's nothing."

"Ban, please show me."

The teen sighed and turned the camera to show dark skies filled with smoke and a dark town that looked a little run down.

"Ban... that's where you live? It looks so terrible! Why didn't you tell me?"

He rubbed the back of his neck as a nervous tick.

"Cause I knew ya would worry. Listen, don't worry about me. I've lived in worse and Zhivago's been taking pretty good care of me. Besides, it's only for another three months until the case gets settled to see where I end up."

"I still don't understand why they are doing all of this and making you move when they usually don't let people leave the school once their fate is decided."

"Yeah well if it were someone like you or Elizabeth it would be one thing, but my fate isn't something that would change much. Based on what the book says, I'm supposed to die serving you, sure it sucks for me, but it doesn't affect any actual events."

Meliodas's eyes looked sad at that, looking down and away from Ban as he no doubt felt guilty for something that really wasn't his fault.

"Shit, sorry. I didn't mean to bring the mood down. Besides, in a way ya saved my life. You aren't signing so if you don't sign, you don't turn evil, and I don't get killed by the queen. Yay! Everybody wins."

The blond smiled at his friend trying to cheer him up. Even though that response wasn't just caused by him..

"Y-Yeah, thanks Ban. I still don't like that you're in such a run down place though. Promise me you'll be safe okay?"

"Yeah yeah, I will. Promise.."

"Okay, well I hate to do this but I have to study for a test on Tuesday so I have to go, call me anytime okay! I'll always answer if you need me."

"Yeah I know, you're a good friend. Alright, talk to you later, let me know if Cusack is giving you any double kay?"

Meliodas chuckled. "Okay, I will."



The call ended as the screen turned black, revealing a sad Meliodas looking back as he put away his phone and studying supplies. In truth, he had finished studying several hours ago, however with the voice getting louder and nervousness as visiting day to see him was getting sooner, he didn't want to keep talking and have Ban start to worry about him. It was clear the teen already had enough on his plate. Besides, no one, absolutely no one knew about visiting day other then the principle. And the blond intended to keep it that way.

Signing as he got ready for bed that night, the blond found himself drifting off with his nervousness there as usual. Awaiting the nightmares Meliodas knew he'd have, he just prayed that they wouldn't be as bad as last time and fell asleep. Knowing already he was wrong.

Hope you like! Write in a rush without editing so apologies for any spelling errors!

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