#17 I'm So Sorry.

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Meliodas was frozen. It was like everything just stopped as the sight in front of him set in.

He was standing over Escanor who had several bruises, a clearly broken arm, and blood covering him.


"Get that monster away from him!"

"Get him out of there!"


The words hit him deeply as he tried to explain that he hadn't done this. He couldn't have done something like that... could he have?

"N-No I-"

He was dragged out of the ring by two teachers while he yelped as several things things thrown at him, soft and hard while the guard's hands pressed into several of his wounds.

He vaguely saw Ban calling after him and trying to push through the crowd of angry people but the image was cut short as he was thrown out of the room and taken to the principal's office where the headmaster was fuming.

"I see you're starting to embrace your violent tendencies now.. was it all a facade to get to out future king?"

"N-No I-I didn't mean to-"


He jumped as the headmaster raised his voice, a glare piercing through the blond as he did so.

"As I said before, the process will happen whether you sign the book of not.. considering your violent actions, I'd say it's already happening. We'll move up your sign date to tomorrow."

Meliodas felt like everything was crashing down on him. However regardless of him not wanting to sign, of him wanting to protest.... he couldn't. After all, he never would've willingly done something like that, maybe he was turning into a monster? Maybe he always was one. At least if he signed he knew Elizabeth would be able to stop him.


The headmaster seemed pleased by this as he turned his attention back to some papers, only for Ban to storm in looking absolutely livid.

"Are you kidding me?! There's no way in hell that I'm gonna let you force Meliodas to sign! It should be his choice! It's his future after all!"

"This doesn't concern you Ban. Go back to the gym. Unless you want to be suspended?"

"I'm not gonna let you scare me into obeying like you're trying to do to Mel! You're a fucking bastard ya know that!? Do you have any idea the kind of shit he's gone through? And yet he's still a better person then you!"

"I would refrain from saying anything else if I were you... Ban."

The headmasters threat was clear but Ban didn't care in the slightest. He went to retort when Meliodas interfered.

"Please Ban.. just go."


"You're just gonna make things worse... it's okay. I'd rather do this then hurt someone... just forget about me... kay?"

He could see the hurt in Ban's eyes as he said that, but he refused to meet the gaze, he had already accepted his future was gone, and now he needed his friend to accept that too.

"Well what about you huh?! You're really gonna go on about some crap like "I don't want to hurt anyone" when you're forgetting about yourself! You're hurting yourself by signing that book Mel! Don't to this!"

"Goodbye Ban.... thank you for being my friend."

Putting on the best smile he could, he gave one last look to his closest friend before walking out of the room, heading home for the last time as himself... something that he was accepting with a bittersweet feeling.

Heading to his bed, he looked at his picture with a smile before hugging it tightly.

"Goodbye brothers... I know you aren't really here, but I hope you aren't mad at me for doing this. Maybe now I'll be someone you're proud of."

Putting it back as tears gathered in his eyes, he tried his best to stay strong but in the end let them flood down his face as wounds his heart had been collecting for years finally flooded over.

"I....I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I really... didn't want to hurt him. I-I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry!"

He sobbed and cried while hugging himself tightly, knowing no one else would be there to do it. Or even want to....

I just... wanted to believe I could be happy too...

Elizabeth waited outside for Escanor to get out of the hospital, only she wasn't truly worried about him. No, in fact she was livid.

She had seen how Escanor treated Meliodas in the ring, and even worse, how he cheated even after Meliodas was already down.

She had been completely shocked when Meliodas had snapped, but based on the horrified look on his face after he did, Elizabeth was theorizing that his instincts had taken over due to the excruciating pain Escanor had put him through.

She didn't blame the boy at all even though it was concerning, however she was mostly thinking about how she was going to give Escanor a piece of her mind when he got out.

The two weren't officially dating yet even though he pursued her often, however they were fated to be together in the end, which is why she tolerated his antics even though she found them foolish. However what he did tonight... was the final straw.

He had been downright cruel in his actions and has proved he wasn't someone she wanted to be with.

Letting her anger show in her face as he came out with a cast, she glared even more as he smiled and tried to act like nothing had happened.

"Hey baby. Come to make sure I'm okay?"

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. Not after what you did."

Her voice was even but sharp as she pulled away from him.

"What're you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm referring to Escanor. You cheated during the battle and clearly went much too far during the battle!"

"Oh come on! I was just having a little fun, and besides, he's the one that beat the shit out of me."

"I'd say his actions were justified considering! You need to stop acting so immature! You are the future king and you need to start acting like it."

He rolled his eyes, clearly not being receptive to her words.

"Now you're starting to sound like my father..."

"Well your father is right! You've taken this too far and until you can be more responsible, I refuse to associate with you!"

Before he could say another word she left, her head held high as she had no doubt in her decision.

I hope Meliodas is alright. His wounds weren't small and the teachers had dragged him off as soon as Escanor had become unconscious. Surely at least someone saw him breaking the rules, why did no one interfere? And why did they treat Meliodas so roughly when his wounds were just as bad as Escanor's? Is it because of him being the Demon King's son? They wouldn't have such a difference in treatment just for that... would they?

Choosing to ignore those thoughts for now, she instead decided to talk to the headmaster about what she had seen happen so that Escanor and Meliodas could have a fair treatment.

I hope you like the chapter! Sorry it's so sad. Let me know what you think. (3

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