#36 Thoughts.

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Meliodas was nearly shaking as he waited for the two girls to pick him up. Of course most would say that was an overreaction to such a simple evening, and maybe it was. However the worried and scolding thoughts were blaring in his head and he was starting to struggle fighting them back.

Thoughts like 'what if they are angry and just invited me to get back at me for ignoring them' and 'do I even deserve their forgivness after how I treated them... do I deserve to be alone again' screamed in his head over and over again even as he tried his best to use positivity and logic against them.

If they invited me just to do something like that then they weren't the friends I thought I had anyway, and even if I don't deserve their forgiveness, that shouldn't stop me from apologizing in the first place. Besides, I doubt they're angry. Diane seemed so excited about today.

Maybe because she'd get the chance to hurt you how you hurt them.

No, she isn't like that.

Oh yeah? How are you so sure? You thought they weren't like that either and look how you turned out.. alllllll alone.

Continuing this war going on in his head as he fiddled with his jacket nervously, the blond barely even noticed when a black limousine pulled up until he heard the car door shut and saw Diane walk out.

The girl came from a surprisingly wealthy family who could pay for very nice transportation that she insisted she used so they could all have an even better time and enjoy their trip to the local mall- where Diane had determined they would go. Although Meliodas would've been fine walking too. He felt kind of bad for her going through so much trouble for him.

"Meli! You ready to go?"

He nodded and smiled shyly before very carefully getting in the car. He didn't want to mess anything up after all.

Closing the door and looking around as the smell of expensive leather hit him, Meliodas's hearts did a nervous leap at seeing Elaine sitting next to him.

She didn't seem angry and gave a sweet smile, but it was still very uncomfortable due to the fact that the two hadn't talked at all since before everything had happened with Ban leaving. At least the boy had planned this with Diane, he hadn't even been the one to tell Elaine about it, Diane had told her.


"Hi Meliodas. How are you? We haven't talked since.... anyway, are you doing well?"

"Y-Yeah I'm fine. How are you though? A-Are you still struggling with any of the subjects? I remember that science in your grade is very hard since it's when they start combining it with magic."

"Oh, actually I'm doing great. Thanks to your teaching I've been able to understand it a lot better and am even getting As and Bs now! Also yeah, science is pretty tough but I think I'm doing well with it. The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is the formula for-"

"Hey you two, as much as I love talking about school on a Saturday, there's something I want to show you really quick."

Diane pulled out a tablet and messed with it briefly before turning it towards the two sitting across from her to reveal several elegant dress designs that were each stunning.

"Oh wow Diane! Did you make those!?"

"Not yet E, these are just the sketches of what they'll look like. I figured that prom this year would be an excellent way for me to practice my skills and also to make some fun designs! After all, I need to get good if I plan to open my own boutique someday. Not to mention it'll get me some seed money for my business if I can sell some dresses for prom. What do you guys think? I haven't showed anyone yet and figured a second opinion would be good."

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