When Pixie Threw a Punch

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“Maybe you shouldn’t have ended with jazz hands,” he whispered back. I went back to eating my pizza. The morning sickness was almost completely gone and now I was just ravenous all the time. Not to mention horny.

“Apparently, it’s what I do now when I'm breaking news to people,” I said between bites, studiously ignoring the questioning stares coming from the other side of the table.

We decided to break the news to our closest friends all at once and let them in on the big secret. We gathered out on the patio of La Gabbia and in simple terms, I told everyone about the possible marriage of convenience and shocked them speechless. Deniz broke the silence first.

“So let me get this straight,” she said and I grimaced because this was her lawyer voice. 

“You’re going to get fake married so as to not upset your parents. Once the baby is born you will what? Get fake divorced? Won’t a divorce upset them as much or more than your becoming an unwed mother?”

I peeked at Özgür who was completely unbothered and seemingly enthralled with running his fingers through my ponytail.

“Um, well...yes,” I said lamely. She made some good points and I was never more aware of the corner I’d painted myself into. I finished my pizza slice and eyeballed Özgür's uneaten portion. He noticed me making heart eyes at his plate and picked all the olives out of his slice since he knew I hated them. 

“Here you can have my salad,” I murmured and began to pick out all the cherry tomatoes because he disliked them. I looked up to find that we had a very fascinated audience.

“This is all very obviously fake,” Cansu said mockingly. Özgür, oblivious to the undercurrents, picked up my hand and kissed my knuckles when I passed him the salad plate. Cansu smiled knowingly over the rim of her wine glass.

“I don’t think you had a very hard time convincing them that you’re bound for the altar. If I didn't know any better I’d think you’d been married for years,” Ozan said, biting back a smile. 

Emre, seemingly over his shock, whooped loudly and started to plan the bachelor party. Cansu joined in with ideas for a bridal shower. 

“Wait! What part of fake didn’t you all understand?” I broke in. They all laughed uproariously and went back to their harebrained planning. 

“Was I not clear enough?” I asked Özgür, perplexed.

He shrugged. “They are drunk,” he said offhandedly.

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned slightly and saw the salty hostess as she quickly slipped back inside the restaurant. I frowned after her but was diverted by the increasingly heated looks Özgür was throwing my way.

“Let’s go home. I’m ready for bed,” he said casually punctuating his words with a huge fake yawn.

“You'll be going to bed by yourself, mister,” I said severely. I had to stay strong and go back to our roommate agreement. I needed to work on rebuilding my armor and smashing these inconvenient feelings. 

He gazed at me with big, wide innocent eyes and said in a mild tone, “Of course.”


"What are you doing?" I asked groggily when I resurfaced from the sex coma he had put me in.

"Watching you sleep," he said with a grin.

"I don't know if that's adorable or creepy, " I said when he moved on top of me.

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't immediately roll over and fall asleep," he griped.

"Leave it to me to find the only man in the world that likes to cuddle after sex."

Love and Pixie Dust- A Bay Yanlış Reimagining.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora