One: The Prophecy

Start from the beginning

Master Frank: "I'll take this with my new Iphone and upload this on Instagram. Hasthag strange comet (#StrangeComet).

Master Jen: "Hey I just opened twitter and this topic (the strange comet) is on the top of the trending topics."

While Master Frank is taking pictures of the comet with his Iphone 5, Grand Master Chen and the other masters are busy reading The Ancient Scroll of Prophecies, finding any reference regarding the comet.

Master Jeremy: "So Master, any sources, findings or whatsoever?"

(Master Jeremy is busy scrolling the ancient scroll while Grand Master Chen is looking at the comet).

Grand Master Chen: "Nope? This one is really hard to find. I mean there are no records about the comet for no one has ever seen it for many years."

Madam Jen: "Maybe there are answers on the internet. We could get some references in Wikepedia, E-Books, or in Google."

Madam Jen then opens her laptop to surf the internet.

Grand Master Chen: "I think we could not just find it in any sources. This one is bizarre."

Madam Jen: "You're right master, way too much random information...hey I just saw something on Ebay!"

Grand Master Chen: "Focus on our task Jen, you may shop on the net later."

Master Lee: "Hey Master, I just found one report about the comet. It is posted here on Yahoo News just recently. We could get some info from the news."

Grand Master Chen: "It's a news Fred, it may be reliable but I think this does not relate what we intend to know. We need something that is very reliable with a lot of info."

Master Frank: "Hey Chen how about this article in Facebook. Well this looks like a reliable source."

Grand Master Chen: "Frank, though this has many pictures of the comet I think this is unreliable. Look at this you have to share this on Fb. I think this is a scam."

Master Frank: "Oh yeah, not every post in Facebook is true. Quoted by Abraham Lincoln."

Master Lee: "Ok Master, maybe I'll open my Fb account for a while, writing a status about the comet."

As the other masters are still busy looking for any references, Master Frank just finished taking pictures of the comet. As he was uploading the pictures to his Instagram, he noticed something in the Scroll Room.

Master Frank: "Ah Guys, I think there's something weird in the Scroll Room."

Grand Master Chen: "Oh come on Frank, no fooling around this time. Were busy here"

Master Frank: "No, I swear I'm not kidding. There's something weird happening in the scroll room. We've got to check it out."

Madam Jen: "We'll I believe in him. I see in his face. He seems to be serious."

Master Frank: "That means you like me Jen hehe"

Madam Jen: "Just shut up"

Grand Master Chen: "Now let's go to the Scroll room. Perhaps the answer lies there.

The masters went to the Scroll Room. As they entered, they see something on the scroll. Like the comet outside. The Ancient Scroll, the one that is used by Grand Master Chen in the Introduction, shines so bright. Grand Master Chen was about to open the scroll when suddenly the scroll slowly opens itself. Everyone except Grand Master Chen was amazed.

Master Frank: "What could do such a thing? I haven't seen it before."

Master Jeremy: "I thought the Ancient Scroll is just an ordinary old scroll. Never I thought that it could be magical."

Grand Master Chen: "That's because you never see the Ancient Scroll in its full glory. You see, this Ancient Scroll or the Elder Scroll or whatever name it is was first used the First Shaoiln warriors many years ago."

As the scroll is now completely opened, the masters went near. Grand Master Chen then read it aloud. While reading, he found the answer he was looking for.

Grand Master Chen: "Aha! I've got it!"

Master Frank: "Eureka!'

Master Jeremy: "What is it? Is it about the comet?"

Grand Master Chen: "You're right Jeremy. Now I understand about the mysteries of that comet."

Later the other masters gathered near to Grand Master Chen to know about the answer.

Master Frank: "So Chen, what is it all about?'

Grand Master Chen continues reading the scroll. Then he answers Master Frank's question.

Grand Master Chen: "The comet has something to do with the prophecy. According to the scroll, the comet serves as a signal to the long promised prophecy we've been waiting for years. In other words, it's about the chosen ones.

Master Frank: "Now I know about it"

Grand Master Chen: "Now you know..."

Master Frank: "Vitwater"

(Master Frank then grabs a bottle of Vitwater.)

Master Jeremy: "So master, what is the connection of the comet to the prophecy?"

Grand Master Chan: "The comet serves as the sign to the coming of the chosen ones. According to the Ancient Scroll, the coming of the chosen ones will bring any weird signs coming and the comet is the example."

Madam Jen: "Then what?"

Grand Master Chen: "Then when it happens, the scroll will tell itself who are they which is happening right now."

Master Frank: "Oh I understand. I remember that all chosen ones have signs that could tell they are chosen."

Grand Master Chen: "Yeah just like us, we were chosen to study and work here. I remember that there was a phenomenon that happened before I studied here."

Master Frank: "Yeah me the way, I forgot what was my sign."

Grand Master Chen: "Forget it Frank, anyway let's find who are these chosen ones."

Master Frank: "Oh let me see......."

Then everyone gathered near the scroll, taking a sneak peak to the ancient scroll. But since they are so crowded, they weren't able to see it except for Grand Master Chen who was able to see the whole scroll. Many were eager to know who are the chosen ones or the set of students.

Master Frank: "So Chen who are these chosen ones? Can I see their names?"

Madam Jen: "Me too master, I wanna know how they look like."

Grand Master Chen: "Maybe later guys, I'll show you the official list right after I finished doing my research on the scroll."

Then everyone except Grand Master Chen exits the Scroll Room to have their dinner while Grand Master Chen continues his research. It took him all night to finish his job. It took him until dawn to finish his job.

Grand Master Chen: (yawns) "This job is too tiresome, maybe I could get some rest"

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