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We're excited to be interviewing lizaalewis for the month of June! Stay tuned for a special announcement from the author at the end!

Q: Of the stories you've written, which one is your favorite?

A: Company Ink and MILO are definitely my top two favorites! I've grown a lot as a writer since I started writing on Wattpad and I think that's reflected in those works!

Q: What was your inspiration for it?

A: For Company Ink, I wanted to write a love triangle that left readers on the edge of their seats wondering who was endgame! And for MILO, I wanted to take the mafia genre and spin into something unique and different.

Q: How do you plan out your stories?

A: It might sound silly, but I always make a cover first- LOL! And after that, I try to come up with the bones of my plot, usually following the three-act structure. Other than 3ish plot points, I don't really plan anything else out! I'm often finding things out along with my readers!

Q: Do you have a favorite author on Wattpad? If so, who? What story is your favorite?

A: My top three favs are my dear friends, (Diavolo: a steamy mafia romance) (Firsts Are Always Messy: love triangles, steam, and Drama llama) and (Offside: Swoony sports romance with tons of heat)

Q: What do you hope your readers will like best about your stories?

A: I tend to always include humor in my writing, so I hope to make my readers laugh!

Q: Do you have a message for your readers?

A: My readers mean the world to me and I am so thankful for their encouragement and support! <3

About the Story

Company Ink is a love triangle between Cassandra Carrington and two equally hot - but polar opposite! - guys. With a combination of romance and humor, readers are kept on the edge of their seat wondering who Cassandra will choose.

Q: What do you like most about Cassandra Carrington?

A: What I like the most about Cassie is that she stays unapologetically true to herself. She's fun, vibrant, a little bit lost, but always has a positive attitude!

Q: Are any of the characters based off of people you know?

A: Actually no! I have yet to write a character based off someone I know.

Q: What inspired your plot?

A: Plot comes to me as I write so when I first started writing Company Ink, I truly had no idea where it was going. I didn't even know who Cassie would end up with! But I did know was that I wanted to show Cassie's growth from a slightly immature woman to someone who figures out what they want. I also wanted to include love interests that complimented her personality and both brought something of value to her life.

Q: What inspired Adrian and Blake's two very different personalities?

A: I took the Myers Briggs personality test for both Adrian and Blake and this really helped me understand their characters better. I wanted Adrian and Blake to be polar opposites and yet both be viable love interests for Cassie. It's funny because when you're done with the test, they show you similar personalities in celebrities and movie/tv characters. Adrian has the same personality type as Christian Grey (most alpha males are Commanders so it's not that new) and Blake was Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. These two comparisons really helped me in planning out their arcs/ characters!

Q: What is your favorite scene? Why?

A: My favourite scene is during the retreat when Cassie must complete the obstacle course blindfolded while getting yelled instructions by Adrian and Blake. In my head, it's hilarious. Poor girl.

Special Message From the Author

Exciting news! Company Ink being published by Cherry Publishing on June 18, 2021 and will be available on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback format! It's crazy to think that readers will be able to hold a physical copy of the book! Pre-orders for the Kindle version are available right now! More info will be posted on my Instagram page (@ ellewiswrites) and my Wattpad profile!

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