Boku No Hero Academia Z: Battle Of Gods!

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Hi again, today is going to the Battle Of Gods Movie. Also, if you want to request a universe go ahead, I'm not stopping you. So anyways enjoy. Also, Beerus is still the G.O.D. I don't think Vegeta too wish to accept the position like Goku. Also this is the full Battle of Gods so this gonna be long.

"Wha?! Where am I?!" a girl with brown spiky hair and a brush like ponytail said. She wore something like a magician outfit. She was confused as she see lots of people she doesn't know.

"Huh? Who are she?..." Ryu said as he paused. Both him and the brown haired girl locked eyes.

*What's going on? Why.. do I feel a force... pulling us together... Why am I crying?* Both the girl and Ryu are thinking. A strange force was like pulling them together, they don't know why. Suddenly tears just came. Why? Why are tears falling? They don't feel sadness or anything negative to cry so why?

End quickly came in proper manner and head to the front.

"Greetings, Akko! I know what you are thinking, 'Who is this and who are they and why am I here?'. Questions will be answered. You see you, Akko.. I brought you here to see your brother's and his friends' alternative universes." End explained as everyone was shocked. Ryu had a blood-related sister! Why didn't he say anything about her.

"Brother? Wait... you mean this one is my biological sister?" Ryu said confused as he wipes off the tears as his tail wiggled freely. Akko was beyond shocked.

"But I don't have a brother." Akko said. She doesn't remember, she only has her real parents from old memories, she doesn't recall any brother

"Does the name Kakarot remind you, Caulifla?" End said as both Ryu and Akko widened their eyes.

"Kakarot?/Caulifla?" both Akko and End said respectively. They slowly walked to each other as they just stare at each other until Akko hugged Ryu.

"You really are alive.. I'm so glad that you're alive! I-If y-y-you di-d, I wou-would k-kill you! G-g-Got it!" Akko said as she continuously sobbed as Ryu just comforted her.

"It's okay little sis. All I am glad is that you're alive and have a happy life now." Ryu reassured. He was happy for his sister is still alive and he can definitely tell she has made some great friends and allies.


Everyone looked at End as he was rubbing the back of his white hair.

"May we continue now?" End asked as everyone agreed.

"Alright, let's continue!" End said as he snapped his fingers and the screen turned on.

The screen first shows the adventures of MHA. The USJ attack with False Super Saiyan Ryu vs The Anti-Symbol of Peace Nomu. It shows the finishing blow as the Galick Gun that sent Nomu out of the USJ.

"So that's what happened..." Ryu said jokingly as he finally saw the USJ Fight he was so far told of. He doesn't remember it due to his anger taking control of him that day.

Class 1-A laughed as they remember it clear as day.

Next, it shows the Stain fight as lida and Izuku attack the Hero Killer with their most powerful attacks that day as Shoto unleashed a flame attack towards Stain then Izuku used his Perfect Detroit Kamehameha to defeat the Killer as Izuku and lida fist bumped as a reminder to never stray from the path of Heroes.

Class 1-A and the Heroes except those who were at the event plus Ryu and Izumi for they known about this info since they were at the aftermath.

"You guys fought the Hero Killer!" Ochaco shouted in shock. 

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