Prologue! Meeting the God Of Fate!(Old)

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"This is after MHA Ending, which means Shigaraki and the Liberation Army has been defeated, thanks to the Midoriya Trio and their classmates. So let's make them react to different stories and tales about them, shall we? My dear Reader." the mysterious voice said.

(Also all deaths did happen except Midnight cause Izumi died in her place but she was resurrected by her passive, Demonic Resurrection. Raynen Midoriya was the one who killed Twice, not Hawks)

*At UA Class 1-A*

Class 1-A has been acknowledge and went through some very hectic stuff. USJ Attacks, Crazy Powerups, Some Issues to resolve as well with War! Anti-climatically, right now, they are just doing some paper school work.

*Man, after all that traumatizing stuff we gone through. It is kinda weird to back in school after all that...* Ryu, the Middle Adopted Saiyan Son of the Midoriya Family and the Golden Warrior of the Legend, The Ones who Hold Fates thought. After all the crazy events happening is now back to school paper. Kinda anti-climatic, doesn't it.

Right now, Aizawa was teaching about Hero Laws until suddenly a bright light engulfed them all and they all were in a place like a galaxy like room. 

"Guys! We're not the only one!" Izuku, the oldest son of the Midoriya Family and The Judge of Light and Darkness in the Legend said. He used to have pure dark green hair but he has a slight white shade due to him holding his original Quirk, All For One.

Class 1-A looks to his right to see Class 1-B, The Big 3, Pro Heroes, the kids that the Midoriyas saved and a bunch more people that the Midoriya Trio have met in their Journey. All of them are obviously confused while the kids were scared as they saw their saviours and quickly ran to them.

"Mr. Deku!" Katsuma yelled as he ran up to him and hugged his legged

"Ms. Born!" Kota said as he ran to Izumi as she patted her head.

"Mr. Bakugo!" Mahoro yelped as Bakugo allowed the girl to hug his leg for he has controlled his anger. But sadly, not towards his schoolmates.

"Daddy!" Eri shouted in fear as she ran to Ryu as he picked her daughter in care with her brown tail waving in behind her.

"Hey, snowflake. Don't worry Daddy is here." Ryu reassured his daughter as he gave a smile then look around. Why does he feel he'll be here again soon. The same vibe could be said with the other Midoriyas.

"Look, pumpkin.. I know it has been a few thousands of years since I visited Otherworld to see you all. Please understand this role is very important to life." a voice said as it can be heard that of visiting Otherworld and some role that is important to life.

Everyone was on edge as they see a young teenage man on his phone. He was wearing a black shirt, black jeans and white and black boots. His jacket on him like a cape and a white fedora hat on him. He also wears a black eyepatch with a golden rose on his left eye, golden glove on his left hand, a black watch on his left with white hair.

He looks to the back of the auditorium and seeing... quite a sight. *OH SHIT! Their already here?!* the so-called god thought as he quickly threw some stuff into a wall which somehow disappeared and then go behind the screen and wore his white suit in a more formal introduction.

The heroes and kids were kinda confused on this person. He acted like such a kid while wearing such rich and formal wear but really he acts like a child.

The teenage boy quickly ran forward and bowed down in a gentleman way, "Um, Greetings. Pro Heroes and Heroes in Training. Also hello there, young ones. I am End, I'm the one who has... well 'invited' you all here."

The people are confused until Aizawa's scarf came flying to capture End but it was stopped  and then got flying back which made the Heroes shock. "E-ehhh..."

Izuku, Izumi and Ryu were shocked. This person has Izuku's space manipulation Quirk which he shrouds himself to avoid damage. 

"WOAH WOAH! HOLD ON! I'm not a Villain or anything okay! If I was, I would be erased on the spot. A Grand-God is not allowed to meddle in the mortal realm." End said with his hands out.

"I was kinda bored from this role for about billions of years. So I decided to do something with you all. Don't worry, you will be returned to UA, uninjured." End reassured as all the Heroes deactivate their Quirks in response.

"Arigato.." End said as he is relief. He immediately snapped his fingers and teleported them all into sits.

"I'm sorry about that everyone." End take a breather and then continue, "Now... If you want food or drinks just imagine it and poof, it will appear."

"Bathroom's on the right. Play room on the left. And other rooms will be in the hallways beyond that backdoor." End said politely.(Yeah, I'm not that type of God that is going to be reprimanding them using their guilty actions in the past to bring them down. I would reprimand but in a more nicer way I guess.{No Offence to other reacting book creators})

"So, I'll start off very easy with just some memes, ships and pictures is that okay with you all." Ryu asked, "But! First..." 

End snapped his finger, bringing in Villains.

"Villains!" the Heroes shouted.

"Heroes!" most Villains shouted except All For One, Shigaraki, Dabi and Lady Nagant(I don't read the manga so I don't know much about her. Do forgive me.)

*Yep, expected to happen.* End thought, crying in the inside. I mean the war is over, and there is going to be one in here.

"WOAH! WOAH! BEFORE YOU ALL FIRING YOUR LASERS AND STUFF, This room is under my domain. Quirks are not able to be activated in here except Heteromorphic Types. But I will keep an eye on those. Please, you all have been through War and lots of bloodshed. Maybe you all can... relax and kinda 'bond'..." End said as he is waiting for the loud NO answer incoming.

However, all Heroes and Villains relaxed and deactivated their Quirks and gone and sat in their seats. Heroes on the left and Villains on the Right.

*Huh? It actually worked.* End thought in relief. He then told everyone about what they will watch for the first start which is Memes, Ships and Pictures.

"Sure!" Everyone said except the quiet Heroes and Villains.

*This is gonna be a very interesting and chaotic idea that I've ever had!* End thought as he is definitely gonna have a lot of problem.

*Wait... Pumpkin? Don't I call Itsuka that?* Ryu thought.

"Well, let's begin, everyone!" End said in a happy tone with a smile.


Yep, I'm fucking doing it. Reaction Books and since it is a reaction book. No Complete Status or anything. I am going to fucking make this have so many chapters and you all can give me ideas or suggestions if you want.

Well, see ya soon.



This is End looks like

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This is End looks like. Yeah... I do gacha content. So don't judge me okay, I do me, you do you. 

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