CH 6

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Si Tu Mo left Wei Yes house as soon as her mother departed. She went back to her old dorm room but got into trouble with the dorm manager because she was always late turning in at night due to her work overtime and commute.

Wei Ye was missing her so much that he called her to say that her mother was coming back for another visit.

Si Tu Mo quickly packed to return at Wei Yes house.

Wang Shan said she would like to see Wei Yes house and tagged along with her.

When they got there, Wei Ye said that Si Tu Mos mother was not coming after all as she decided to play mahjong instead.

Si Tu Mo decided to leave again but Wan Shang said that they had to stay for a while because she has a surprise for her.

The surprise was Fu Pei laden with beers and snacks.

Fu Pei was drinking most of the beers while they were watching a horror movie.

Si Tu Mo was helping Wei Ye in the kitchen and left Wan Shang to look after the drunk Fu Pei.

When they returned to the living room, they found more than they bargained for. Fu Pei was about to kissin Wang Shan.

they were really shocked

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