"The Dark Curse," The Evil Queen said with a smirk as she sipped her drink

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"The Dark Curse," The Evil Queen said with a smirk as she sipped her drink.

"Are you sure, Your Majesty?" Henry Senior asked.

"But you said you'd never use it," Magic Mirror said.

"You made a deal when you gave away that curse," Henry Senior said.

"You traded it away," Magic Mirror said.

"She won't be happy to see you," Henry Senior said.

"Since when do I care about anyone else's happiness but mine?" The Evil Queen looked at her father, "Prepare the carriage. We're going to the forbidden fortress," The Evil Queen said.


The Evil Queen was sat in the Forbidden Fortress, by a fire beside Maleficent.

"How are you, dear?" Maleficent asked.

"I'm doing fine," The Evil Queen said.

"Are you? If it were me, I'd be simply tortured watching that flake of Snow so happy. Weren't you about the same age when you were to be married? Before she ruined it all," The Evil Queen's gaze fell on the fire, "Yes, you were," Maleficent said.

"Yes, it was about the same age you were when that Sleeping Beauty got the best of you," The Evil Queen looked at her, "My dear Maleficent," The Evil Queen said.

"I soldiered on, as you will too. Hopefully," Maleficent said.

"Enough games. You know why I'm here. I need my curse back," The Evil Queen said.

"It's not yours anymore. A deal's a deal. I traded yo my sleeping curse," Maleficent said.

"Which failed. Undone by a simple kiss. Now please, return what's mine," The Evil Queen said.

"The Dark Curse? Really? You must know that not even its unholy power can bring your loved one back from the dead. Have you considered a pet? They can be quite comforting," Maleficent said as she petted her pet unicorn.

Rose Red [Jefferson Hatter || OUAT || Mad Red #1]Where stories live. Discover now