Chapter 2

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      The bus pulls into the school lot and we all get out of the bus and head inside. I get my stuff out of my locker and chat with Larry and sal a bit then we split off and head to our classes.

~time skip to lunch~

As it gets to lunch we meet up by our lockers and head to lunch. While walking we meat up with Todd and ash. I don't know them as well as I know sal and ash but I'm getting to know them better. "I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick I'll be right back." I say. I head into the bathroom and as I'm walking to a stall I hear a crunch under my shoes. Is a crumpled paper. I open it and it reads

             "I know we don't really know each other and you probably have your opinions of me. I thought maybe if I told you how I feel, things could be different. The truth is, I can't stop thinking about you. I'm crazy about you. I think you're amazing! But I know these feelings are wrong. It's not the way a boy should feel. Shame swallows me whole. My father would kill me but I live in his shadow forever I just..."

             and then there's just a bunch of scribbles over ineligible text. I look around to see if there's anyone in the bathroom who could have written the note. "Anyone in here?" I say. "No shit, now buzz off bitch." I hear someone say. It sounds like Travis. "Travis?" I say.
"Y/n?" Says Travis. "Yea. Is this your note?" I ask as I slide it under the small opening of the stall. "Umm you didn't read it did you?" Says Travis in a worried tone. "Uh I did I'm sorry." I say apologetically. Travis storms out of the stall and raises his fist to punch me. I close my eyes awaiting the swing I thought he was going to punch me until I heard soft whimpering.

           I open my eyes and Travis is crying. "Hey dude I'm really sorry." I say. "No I'm sorry for bullying you I really shouldn't have bullied you the way i did I'm sorry" Travis starts breaking down. "Hey dude calm down it's ok." I say trying to calm Travis down. "I know I'm a fucking fag you can mock me for it I deserve it." Says Travis still crying. "Dude I would never make fun of you for being gay. I except you. Fuck I'm gay myself." I say trying to reassure Travis.

           "Hey umm... that note was uh... it was meant for you." Travis says. "It was?" I ask. "Uh yea" he says. "By the way I'm sorry about your dad. It must be tough being gay and having the church minister or whatever as your dad. I'm sorry he doesn't except you." I say. "It's ok" says Travis.

       "I think I kinda like you back. I have been wanting to tell you but I was really nervous you would beat me and call me a fag..." I say. "Well um... I guess we both like each other...?" says Travis. "Hey do you want to come over after school? Me, Larry, and sal are hanging out together after school and having a sleepover at Larry's and I guess since were kinda friends now I thought maybe you could come if you wanted."

Travis pov:

          I think for a minute. Father would kill me if he knew I was having a sleepover. Let alone with other boys since he suspects I'm gay. He's probably gonna think we fucked or something when I come home. Fuck it. "Yea id love to come over that would be fun." I say.

Y/n pov:

Omg he actually said yes. And he didn't punch me! "Ok so want to walk to the apartments with me and Larry? I ask. "Sure." He reply's.

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