polish off the rich

Depuis le début

"Yeah, yeah. I can help, just take deep breaths and wait right here. I'll be back in a minute," the boy assured her before jogging off to grab the treats he knew Karl would enjoy. When he was done, he walked back over behind the counter and rang it up before eyeing the price.

"Thank you so so much, Alex! I dunno what I'd do without you," Y/N expressed her gratitude with a frazzled smile.

"Die, apparently. Are you sure you wanna pay $50.89 just to say sorry for a petty argument?" Alex quirked a brow while looking Y/N over.

"Honey, please, that'll barely put a dent in Daddy's bank account. He won't even notice it's missing," the girl assured before slipping the card into the little machine and putting in her birthdate that was the PIN number.

"Alright, if you insist. You know Karl won't stay mad forever, right?" The boy confirmed while watching his best friend's girlfriend head back to her car.

"I know, but I still feel like a rich asshole!" She called back before the door slammed closed.

"Rich is certainly right," Alex sighed with a small laugh before going back to his duties.

Y/N was now speeding down the street, praying that no cops were out and searching. She seemed somewhat clear because she reached the other end of town in no time with little to no trouble at all.

The teen ran up to the door that belonged to Karl's house, knocking frantically as she held the bag of goodies for her boyfriend. Seconds later, the door swung open and there stood Karl's mom, unimpressed as ever.

"Hey, Y/N. You here for something?" She asked standoffishly. She never really liked Y/N, the same way Y/N's dad never really liked Karl.

"Good evening, ma'am! I'm here for Karl, actually. He's here, right?" She asked with panic lacing her tone.

"Mhm. In his room. Wanna come in?"

"Please," Y/N begged with tears in her eyes, only rushing into a sprint once Karl's mom opened the door wider for her as a gesture of welcome.

Barreling through the house, Y/N burst open Karl's door, seeing it was all but pitch black inside. Using her memory, she maneuvered herself through the dark room without turning on any lights so she could reach the window and push back the curtains. The room sprang to life as she realized Karl was laying on his bed, face pressed against his pillow.

"Why are you here," Karl said as more of an annoyed statement than a question, muffled by his pillow.

"I wanted to apologize and ask what I said wrong earlier. I don't understand and you've never been this mad at me before. I brought you snacks and a couple Monsters if that helps," the girl murmured, sitting at the foot of his bed and placing the bag down on his nightstand gently.

Karl turned to lock eyes with his girlfriend, cheeks flushed red and skin wet from hot tears. The sight alone broke Y/N, the girl having to avert her gaze as to not burst out crying right then and there.

"You just always spend so much money on me and take me to these fancy places. I hate it- it's not who I am. Why can't we just hang here or at the skatepark? Are you embarrassed by me?" Karl's voice broke here and there, hoping it wouldn't be true.

"Embarrassed by you? I would never! I want to spend so much money on you because you're my boyfriend! I love you with every bone in my body, Karl. I want to give you the best."

"What if where I'm at right now is the best?" Karl questioned, gaze burning straight into the girl's side profile.

"I'd leave everything behind to live your best by your side," Y/N whispered, turning to look right at him, "I'd drop everything if it meant having you."

Silence consumed them as Karl sighed heavily, closing his eyes as he thought. Taking a deep breath, he found the right words as he opened his eyes again.

"We can go to that stupid party if you really care that much," Karl caved.


"With conditions, obviously. We go there wearing my clothes with the intention of crashing that bitch," the boy smirked as he watched the gears turn in his girlfriend's head.

"It's a deal, babe."

Y/N stripped before going through Karl's closet, grabbing a random graphic tee she found before taking a pair of cargo pants. When she was satisfied, she slipped on the clothes and turned to Karl for his approval.

"Wow... You don't even look rich anymore."

"I look good," the girl twirled to show off the whole outfit, smiling at her boyfriend.

"It would look better if..." Karl leaned forward and smudged her eyeshadow before moving on to her lipstick to do the same thing. "There. Perfect."

Y/N walked over to the mirror in his room and giggled, taking in her messy appearance. She loved it. Once she was done taking in her new look, she turned to Karl and outstretched a hand, waiting for him to take it.

"I'm ready," she nodded and grinned before taking them both out to her dad's car and driving them back to her place.

When they arrived at the party, Karl made his way over to the DJ to persuade him to play rap while Y/N messed with the sprinklers, setting their timer so they would go off in ten minutes.

As the fast paced music blared through the speakers in the yard, Karl made his way to the middle of the group, flailing his body like a fish out of water. Y/N joined soon after, running up beside him and thrashing around like a cat in a bathtub. Together, the couple laughed and looked like complete messes, the group of rich people starting to back off due to the uncoordinated dancing.

"Y/N! What on Earth do you think you're doing?" The girl's stepmom screeched as she watched from the balcony.

"Being a teenager!" She yelled back, cackling as Karl wrapped her up into his arms and swayed them side to side.

"Have you no shame?" Her father yelled down, glaring hard.

"Polish off the rich!" She yelled back in retaliation right as the sprinklers turned on, squealing in delight.

The group of high fashion attendees ran from the water, screaming and crying about their ruined fabrics. This made Karl laugh harder as he clutched Y/N tighter to try and steady himself. It failed terribly as he dragged the both of them to the grassy ground, looking at his girlfriend in amazement. When the two settled, Karl leaned in to kiss Y/N as they shared the sweet moment together.

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