polish off the rich

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Sitting on the luxurious couch in the grand living room, Karl couldn't help but feel misplaced. The fluffy cushions and high value fabric of the furniture was something he didn't see at home. He lived on the complete opposite side of town, his house nowhere near as big or as glamorous.

Although Y/N was very understanding and willing to help out whenever, she would never walk in Karl's shoes, sometimes forgetting simple things about him. Whether it be Karl not having enough money for a shopping spree on weekends or Y/N inviting him to a high class dinner party, the girl was sometimes caught oblivious to Karl's sour mood.

"Y/N, for the last time, I have nothing to wear to that stupid summer party your stepmom is hosting," Karl groaned from the other side of the couch, picking at his nails while avoiding eye contact with a glare.

"Why not? I can get you a nice suit, oh- and I can help with your eyeliner like always! We can get ready together up on my room!" The wealthy teen gushed while spinning around on the circular carpet, the world whirling by quickly.

"STOP SPINNING AND JUST LISTEN TO ME! I AM NOT GOING TO YOUR RICH PARTY FOR YOUR RICH FRIENDS WITH YOUR RICH FAMILY! DON'T ASK ME AGAIN!" Karl shouted before standing up, anger swirling in his stomach as he left the house in a hurry.

He didn't mean to get so worked up, he rarely ever did being the cooler one of the two, but Karl's patience had its limits. He wasn't fit to sip champagne and wear an expensive suit while fake laughing with stacked CEOs in a fairy-light decorated backyard.

Why didn't Y/N understand that this wasn't the life for him? He'd rather hang out at his house while putting back energy drinks in the dark, his TV being the only source of light in his room. Karl didn't care about status or wealth or who's kids had the most scholarships. He just wanted to chill with his girlfriend and talk about whatever crossed their minds.

Y/N on the other hand was stressing, pacing her living room as she mouthed at her knuckles as to not mess up her manicure. She didn't understand what she said wrong; she only wanted Karl to come over and chat with her family while mingling with some people.

Sighing, the girl flopped onto the couch and teared up, gripping at her hair as a strangled sob ripped through her. The party was tonight and Karl was angry with her, meaning he wouldn't be attending by her side. Before that issue though, she had an upset boyfriend.

"I should let him cool off for a couple hours first before heading over. Then we can talk it out and maybe even catch the party? Maybe..." Y/N whispered to herself with a shaky voice, confirming her plan with a small nod.

Y/N ran up to her room, sitting down at her vanity and applying makeup, trying to hold back her tears as she did. Her and Karl barely argued, and when they did, it was usually her who lost her cool. Seeing Karl so distressed was putting her on edge.

When Y/N finally finished doing her makeup, she grabbed the keys to her dad's car off the hook in the main hallway and dashed outside, hopping into the vehicle and driving straight to the gas station her boyfriend worked at.

After she parked hastily, the girl got out and rushed into the store, yelling for help. When her eyes met Alex's, she ran over and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Hey, what the fuck is going on?" Karl's best friend and coworker asked, worry written all over his face.

"I-I pissed off Karl and I need you to pack all his favourite snacks and drinks into a bag for me. I don't care how much it costs, just do it for me. Please," Y/N begged while gripping Alex's navy blue jacket and staring into his eyes intensely.

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