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Kobe:oh my fucking good*goes to pull mia off*
Mia: now back to getting food *she said walking over to where the cafe was*
Kobe:so we gon act like that just didn't happen?
Mia:yup! *putting pancakes on plate*
Kobe:nasty ass pancakes

Fuck it i give up on this story its trash thats for reading and voting check out my other stories tho i might update just by being bored but it probably wont be in the same spot i might skip time cause we 35 parts in i think and mia and mike still not together most stories be fucking at chapter 6 but im not going to compare my stories to others
-gots to see it thru my boi-

•M Y B R O T H E R• B E S F R I E N D•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora