Part 11

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Kiya POV:I got woke up from my alarm clock that I had set for 3am to run away I got up and put on my shoes and grabbed my bag and snuck out the window and walked like 10 minutes up the road and got tired but I had to keep going I was scared cause all I heard was dogs barking and cats meowing when I got on that side of town and people kept looking and staring at me I got snapped out of my thoughts by someone approaching me
??:wassup little mama what you doing out here all alone at this time of night
Kiya:I should be asking you the same thing and why are you talking to me do I know you?.....know I do not so in that case leave me alone and let me continue my walk*tries to walk away*
??:*grabs Kiya arm*im afraid I can't let you do that lil mama
Kiya:let me go!*tugs arm*
?? stop tugging and cooperate
Kiya:stop!*pushes him*
??:alright then *takes glass bottle and knocks up side Kiya head*
??:catches*you should have just cooperated *drags into car*whew!*breaths heavy*

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