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"Are you nervous?" Viv asked. She glanced up from over Posey's shoulder to meet her eye in the mirror before ducking back down and continuing with her work. "I was nervous when it was my turn."

Posey breathed a laugh, trying to focus on the gradual progression of Viv's hands up the buttons on the back of her dress as she fastened them. "Yes," she admitted, gazing into her own eyes and taking in her appearance while she still could. "But excited, too."

"As well you should be," Ellie said, entering the conversation with a flourish the moment Viv had finished with the buttons. "Nerves are normal but this is a happy day, darlin', and I couldn't be happier for you, honest."

"Me neither," added Viv, giving Posey a quick side hug and a smile through the mirror.

"Ready, honey?" Ellie asked, laying a hand on Posey's shoulder.

Posey smiled, forcing it at first and then feeling it come as naturally as breathing. She was ready. More than ready. She was practically bursting at the seams with eagerness. "Ready," she confirmed, looking at herself long and hard before casting her eyes down demurely.

As Ellie secured the veil in amongst her hair Posey felt her heart stutter. She reached out a hand for Viv, who was ready and waiting and took it immediately, and smoothed her other hand down the skirt of her dress. She was getting married. Married. It was her wedding day and she was a bride. She laughed to think of what she would've said if someone had told her back in boot camp that she'd end up marrying Bill Guarnere - she might have done any number of things, but nearly cry with happiness was not one of them. The version of herself that existed now, though, was on the verge of weeping - happy tears, of course. Always happy tears now.

"And there," Ellie said, finally finished with securing the veil and adjusting the way it fell over Posey's face. She nodded once with a grin, pleased with herself, and stepped back to admire her handiwork. "Absolutely stunnin'," she declared.

Posey giggled, watching her reflection through the white tulle and unable to keep from swishing her dress around her legs.

"You look so beautiful," Viv said on a dreamy sigh.

Posey smiled softly. "I look like my mum."

"She must've been very beautiful, then," Viv replied.

"She was," said John from the doorway, one hand holding the door ajar and the other holding up the pretentious pocket watch Posey had begged him not to wear. "Are you ready?"

Posey turned back to her reflection and drew in a deep breath. Exhaling slowly, she nodded. "Yes," she said with conviction, ignoring the butterflies wreaking havoc in her stomach, "I'm ready."

"Oh, wait!" Viv exclaimed suddenly. She ran across the room - or tried to, at least, in a pair of heels she'd insisted on wearing even though they were much too high for her to walk in properly - and returned with a bouquet of flowers. "Your bouquet! I almost forgot!"

Posey took the flowers from her and smiled down at them. Irises, her mother's favourite. She'd be with her in every way she could be.

"Okay, now she's ready," Viv declared, and shared a grin with Ellie as Posey turned away from the mirror and stepped forwards.

This is it, she thought, making her way towards John. She looped her hand through his arm when she got close. My last few moments as a Wells.

"I'm ready," she said aloud, as much to reassure herself as to let the others know that she was good to go.

John patted her hand where it rested in the crook of his elbow and offered a tiny smile. He spared a glance back at the two bridesmaids, making sure they were ready, before beginning to lead them all to the entrance of the church.

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