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Voice of Absolute Zero - Zero Two from Darling in the Franxx (Dub)

Voice of Absolute Zero when swearing- Panty from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt (Dub) If you want to watch this show, PLUG IN YOUR EARPHONES!

-One Day Ago-

"Check out the results from the exam!"

"Wow," Midnight mused. "The second place student didn't even have rescue points."

"He took down those foe villains like an ace. When most of the examinees were running away from the big obstacle, he stayed focused on letting the smaller targets get in close and then counter attacking. That kid is tough."

"On the opposite end, the seventh place student had zero villain points."

"It's not the first U.A. student to take down a giant robot. But it's been awhile since I saw someone blow it away with one attack."

"But at what cost? Did you see the way he injured himself? If you ask me, it's like his body isn't used to his quirk."

"Wait, but what about the first place student?" one of the judges queried. "Didn't you see how she took down that zero-pointer without a single scratch? And plus they racked up quite the number of points. I mean, 218 villain points and 55 rescue points? That's exceptional for a student."

"Yes, I saw that. Based on what she had performed, I can tell she's insanely strong and strategic. I personally think they could be a pro hero already, maybe rival All Might himself."

"But didn't you see how she jumped off that building? I mean sure that's brave and all but didn't you see the expression behind her mask? It looked like she was enjoying it. And not to mention that when she was fighting the androids, I noticed that she was only missing by a hair on purpose. Her movements were immaculate and calculated with each gesture, yet she chose to be reckless. And don't you remember when she tried to save that girl? She had immediately let the robot crush her. Of course, that would have been a noble action to commit. But if she didn't have that trick up her sleeve, who knows what could have happened." Without mercy, one of the teachers kept on criticizing the young girl as his deep voice was the only thing that the others could hear. "Just imagine it from the public's perspective. How would you feel you had to rely on a hero who was barely missing each shot of a gun. I don't know about you guys but if it was me, I would definitely want to rely on a more stable hero. But then again, her humor and personality has a role in the public eye."

"Yeah, I guess that is true..."

"But if she were to be a hero, her craving for adrenaline could be the trigger to her downfall."

"That may be so, but if we could maybe get rid of that habit, wouldn't she still be a great hero?"

"I have no doubt about it."

As the judges and teachers were discussing the student who had landed in first place, a certain figure with black hair was leaning against the wall. Once he had heard the information about some certain students, he let out a gruff 'hmmmm'.

The night that Izuku opened his acceptance letter, All Might finally got in touch with him again. And there he was. The skeleton-like hero was standing idly in the sand while watching the blue waves crash on the shores of the beach. But he wasn't alone. Standing next to him was the raven-haired girl. She wore a very small and hopeful smile as she watched the bright stars twinkle in the beautiful dark blue sky. Her eyes scanned over the beach to see what else was present on the beach. And then she saw it. A couple standing together on a boardwalk that extended out into the ocean. It looked like they were having a pleasant time with each other's company.

U̸N̸D̸E̸R̸D̸O̸G̸ (Various Bnha x OP Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now