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This chapter is going to either end up as fluff or angst or maybe a combination of the two idk. Any hate comments will be laughed at and ignored. Feel free to criticize my writing, I could really use the help! (P.S. when I say criticize I mean helpful criticism)

The marauders are out of Hogwarts living with Lily and James

Sirius: 23
Remus: 22
Lily: 24
James: 23

3rd person:

"I'm bored." Sirius said one Tuesday at around 3 A.M. "Well we're all tired as hell." James told him. "And it's my fault y'all decided to have a 'mIdnIghT cHallEnGe'?" He quickly retorted. (I have no fucking clue whether or not I'm using these words right but we'll just go with it) Just then Lily chimed in, "What even is a midnight challenge?" "It's-" "It's when you try and stay up all night and the last to fall asleep wins!" James said cutting Sirius off. "Okayyy?"

Remus POV:

"Hey what's wrong with Remus?" Lily asked the others. "MOONY" someone shouted. It startled me so I looked up at Sirius who had a worried look on face no matter how hard he tried to hide it. "Y-Yeah?" I asked him. He repeats what Lily said with a tone laced with worry. "What's wrong?" My face goes bright red and I look at the ground. "Moony?" He asks again. "C-Can we talk somewhere different?" I whisper in his ear. "Sure!" He says sounding a little more worried than before.
Let me give you a little background information.
Hi. My name is Remus Lupin. I was bit by a werewolf- yes, a werewolf- when I was younger. I am a 22 year old man,  in love with a 23 year old man named Sirius Black, who happens to be one of my best friends (sadly just that), and for the first time in my life, I'm in heat.
I lead him into another room. All that was in there was a desk, a king size bed, and some black box Lily brought from her house (If you didn't realize it's a TV but he's not muggle born so he didn't know what it was) "So what's wrong?" Sirius asked me in that adorable tone that made it WAY worse. "Mmh!~" I wimped out as my heat gets worse. "I- uh- hmm." I stutter out thing to find my words. "You know how I'm part wolf right?" "Yeah?" "W-well...I-I'm in heat..." I made sure to whisper the last part so he didn't hear me. "What happened?" He asks. "I'm in h-heat..." "I-I know you probably think I'm gross and I totally get it if you don't wanna be friends with me and that's okay but please please please don't tell anyone!" I start rambling. God I'm embarrassing! He probably thinks I'm gross and- "Hey!-"

I'm sorry it was so short but I felt like this was a good place to end it right now! 502 words!

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