11. Quidditch

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Regulus told Cassie that they had taught him most of the trio's old tricks, hoping that he would be smart enough to use them. Well, he wasn't, Abbott tackled him and the ball slipped out of his hands to be caught by Hargreeves who raced past and towards the Slytherin hoops. Warrington doesn't even try to look like he wasn't going to deflect it and it easily flies past.

Everyone on the Slytherin team threw their hands up in frustration. Regulus hit the side of his broom in anger, trying to burn a hole in the side of Amycus's head with his glare.

They played for another hour and Hufflepuff was up 60-10. Warrington with a burning glare at the other team, asked for a timeout.

"Alright lads, we are getting crushed. Amycus as we practiced, the rest of you kept playing as usual. Black you need to catch the snitch soon or I'm sending Zabini in, maybe he can do your job better than you." Regulus glared at him and didn't say anything, but stood there with his arms crossed. None of them had time to ask what he meant to Amycus before they started the game back.

When Hooch blew the whistle to start the game again the Gryffindors get the ball, but Carrow does an illegal hit to the back of Bones''s neck that he hopes Madam Hooch doesn't see. Unfortunately, for the rest of the team, she does and blows her whistle.

"Penalty to Hufflepuff. No illegal hits," She announces.

"Sorry Miss I didn't mean to," Carrow says in his fake apologetic voice as the team lined up for the penalty shot

Bones takes the shot and scores. They were now up 70-10. The game goes on for a while with Hufflepuff not only shooting past Warrington everytime, but with all of Carrow's illegal hits and rule breaking they keep getting penalty shots.

Soon, they became out of reach 170-10. Even if Regulus did catch the snitch, there was no way they could win now. He didn't even want to wait it out to see if they could. The only thing that was remotely entertaining in the match was that sometimes the Hufflepuff beaters would shoot a bludger right at Carrow, unfortunately missing him every time.

Regulus saw the Hufflepuff seeker out of the corner of his eye, tailing him and waiting for him to do something. The Slytheirn seeker smirks and starts to dive for the other end of the pitch, acting like he had seen the snitch. He chuckled to himself as he saw the Hufflepuff seeker following him just like he thought.

"It looks like both seekers have seen the snitch," Remus announced, making everyone look around the field for them.

Regulus kept going until both were close to the wall and that's when he pulled up. The Hufflepuff seeker crashed into the stands and went tumbling to the sand. The youngest Black snickers before he sees the snitch flying right past his face. It was heading straight for the crowd and Regulus was gaining on it. He reached his hand out and stopped right in front of the stands.

He looked to the side and saw Ash smirking at him, "my hero," he teases. Regulus's face turned a bright shade of pink as he slightly raised his hand in a wave as he headed back down to the pitch.

"Regulus Black catches the snitch, but Hufflepuff wins." All of the Stands break out in cheers as he lands on the pitch with the rest of his team.

Diggory comes over to Warrington holding out his hand,"Hey good game out there."

Warrington just ignores him and turns to the Slytherin team.

"What the hell was that? We almost won the cup last year and this is how you play this year?" He scoffs before continuing "I guess you work better after shagging a girl right before a game." Everyone looks at him in confusion, including the Hufflepuff team.

Then Carrow speaks up "Oh don't try to lie we both know all of you shagged Female Black before every game. I guess you really do need the slut to win." He rolls his eyes.

Regulus didn't even need two seconds before throwing down his broom and pressing a wand to Carrow's throat, not hearing the shouts of protest from his teammates, the threats from Warington, or registering the teachers turning a blind eye at the scene. "I've had enough of you and your fucking mouth, got it?" The wand was pressing so hard into his throat it made it hard for Amycus to talk. He opened his mouth but Regulus gave a low chuckle. "I didn't tell you to talk. How about I just remove your vocal cords for you, would you like that instead?" Amycus gave a quick shake of his head, trying not to move too much.

"Reggie," Cassie called as people started to file onto the pitch to leave. "Hey what's going on?" She asks, wondering why her brother looked close to murder.

Warrington laughed, crossing his arms, "Ah, if it isn't the slut herself. It's your fault we lost. Maybe you should come and give us a little I'm sorry gift." He raises eyebrows trying to be seductive when suddenly Cassie's younger brother let go of Amycus and shoved his knee into Warrington's dick.

He fell to the ground in pain and complaining before Regulus kicked him in the nose for added pain. His nose gushed with blood as several teachers ran over from their supposed 'break'.

"Alright, that is enough, Mr. Diggory, if you would please help Mr. Nott bring Mr. Warrington and Mr. Carrow to the hospital wing at once," McGonagall ordered and they moved quickly as both looked murderous. She looked to Regulus, "I did not see anything I shouldn't have Mr. Black? They were simply attacked by a spell from someone in the stands?"

Reggie smirked and nodded, "of course Professor, I was merely trying to help my teammate." McGonagall nodded to the rest of them and headed off with the teachers.

Cassie was standing there with her hands crossed and a smile on her face, "That was awesome, but unnecessary."

Den scoffed, "no it was completely necessary, you saw Warringotn, I think he really did go insane."

Flint snorted with a nod, "you can say that again, that kid is– something else."

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