“Your son relies on me. I gave him an heir.”

“Oh?” he raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. “You shouldn't get too cocky.”

“Cocky? And what? You're speaking from personal advice, are you not?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

“I'm cocky because I actually have something to brag about. I have money, I have power,” he bragged. “You have nothing to boast of, so don't think that you can talk to me anyway you want just because you spread your legs and got knocked up.” He took another step towards me, closing the gap between us so the gate was the only barrier. “Anyone can do that. You are still and will always be nothing more than a maid.”

“You're at my gate, Lucien,” I tilted my head to the side, “on my property with armed men surrounding us and you still try to insult me?” I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes. “Stupidity and idiocy blind you. No wonder Daniel is the only reason your cartel is still worth shit today. You're an absolute fool.”

“Watch the way you talk to me!” he yelled, grabbing my neck from the open bars of the gate and pulling my right against him. “I have never failed to put someone in their place. Just because I like you doesn't mean you'll be an exception.”

The sounds of multiple guns cocking resonated around the courtyard, making Lucien widen his eyes and look around him in shock.

“I would like you to follow through with your threat.” His hands tightened around my throat at my words, his eyes blazing with anger at the blatant joy I was deriving from this. “But know that I have every intention to go through with mine too.”

“Now I know you're really stupid,” he laughed as he tightened his hand around my neck, yet refrained from choking me. “Do you really think that Daniel will allow you or these pussies that guard you to kill me? His own father? You really think you're more important than me?”

“Why don't you tighten your grip and we'll find out?” I asked, smirking at the evident frustration on his face at my lack of fear for him. “Choke me and we'll find out just who these 'pussies' are loyal to. Let's see how much you trust your own son not to be the one to pull the trigger.”

The viens in Lucien's hands bulged as he willed himself to do it, but I knew he wouldn't. Lucien didn't trust Daniel to not kill him and that was only because everybody knew that Daniel would. He merely tolerated his father, but if Lucien did a single thing wrong, I wouldn't be surprised if we were to have his funeral the next.

With an angered growl, he ripped his hand away from my throat as if it physically burnt him and gave me the coldest glare he could muster.

“You think you're so special, huh,” he hissed, his face contorting with hatred for me. “Daniel will never love you.”

“Don't be dumb, Lucy,” I smiled at the way his lips twisted at the nickname. “Love doesn't exist here. Its all about how useful one is and unfortunately, you've run your course. On the other hand, if Daniel wants to keep in contact with his son, he needs to keep me close to him. And you can already see how that makes me more important to him than you.”

“You're just a whore.”

“And yet this whore has more value than you,” I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes. “Maybe if you taught your son that there's more to life than business and money, we wouldn't be competing over him. And you wouldn't be losing. But here we are anyways.”

“Shut up!”

“I'm just telling you, Lucien, you're a dead man walking.” He glared at me as I spoke, but said nothing, clearly seeing that I had a massive point. “Daniel is like a ticking time bomb at this stage. One wrong move and you're as good as gone.”

His Queen (18+)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora