10. Hatred and Battles

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"Thanks" - speaking
'For' - thoughts
"READING" - All Might/Demonic


After Izuku's reunion and a few tears were shed, the pink haired boy walked up to Nezu's office to discuss the fight. Before he could knock, there was a shaky 'come in' heard from the inside. As he entered, he saw a shaking Nezu holding the letter that Endeavor had given Izuku.

Izuku: "Ah, yes. I was actually going to ask you about that, that's why I'm here. Do you allow me to fight him now Principal?"

Nezu: "ohohohoho, yes Izuku. But I have a request before you carry out this fight."

Izuku: "I'm listening."

Nezu smiled sadistically while grabbing and stirring his tea.

Nezu: "you see, I've seen what you're like out on the battlefield and towards people you hate, and it reminds me of myself. So, I have come up with the idea of having a little partnership: brotherhood if you please. To help you get revenge against them. And all I ask in return if for you to do the same for my torturers."

Now it was Izuku's turn to smile.

Izuku: "it seems like we have come to an agreement! What do you think chat? I'll put a poll up."

Nezu was unfazed by his actions as he had already seen him do it at the USJ and he already knew it was going to happen when it was explained back at Tartarus.

Nezu: "so, brother. what have they said?"

Izuku: "it seems I'll have to be with you a bit longer... brother."

They both smile at each other and laugh maniacally.

After a good few minutes of laughing, they calm down and then begin to plan the fight between him and Endeavor.

Izuku: "is it possible to do it today?"

Nezu: "one minute, I'll need to take a phone call."

Izuku nods and Nezu grabs his phone. He scrolls for a minute, trying to find a phone number, before finding Endeavor's agency's phone number. He calls the number and waits for the receiver to pick up. After two rings, Endeavor himself picks up the phone.

E: "principal Nezu sir, what is it that you need of me?"

Nezu's eye twitched at that Endeavor is trying to play the nice guy.

Nezu: "yes, I am here to make a proposition."

E: "what may that be, sir?"

Nezu: "we have somebody here that wants to have a little fight with you. And he said something about knowing a 'family secret'. He hasn't told me yet so I don't know whethe-"

E: "I accept! But only if it is a life and death battle! If it isn't, then I will refuse to come!"

Nezu looks at Izuku, who is just yawning while tinkering at a little red and white rocket shaped object.

Nezu: "no, that shouldn't be a problem. He's alright with it. At what time should you want to-"

E: "I'll be there in an hour. Don't let him leave!"

Nezu then gets a dark aura around him. Not only had this puny human interrupted him twice! But had also forgotten his formality's apparently.

Nezu: *deathly calm* "are you missing something there Enji?"

E: "Y-Yes s-sir!"

Nezu: "good, now goodbye Endeavor."

E: "g-goodbye sir."

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