Jaemin was preparing the guns and explosives in case anything went wrong he put them in a black bag separating them into two. Then went on to prepare his medical bag putting in gauzes, pain relievers, anesthesia, and many other doctor necessities.

Jeno on the other hand was taking turns between the knives and boxing. He had practiced his knives skills using a mannequin. Bullseye. He left satisfied moving on to to the punching bag, getting help from jaemin who had just finished packing what was needed. He guided him in his movements both of them switching using the boxing pads that go in the hands they learned of each others movements jeno hitting them all. They switched, now jeno letting jaemin learn of the movements.

Jisung and chenle had stepped out of the ring going to the big glass box that held their most priced possessions. They went over unlocking it with their finger print.

(You may ask why is it held in a glass box it can be taken very easily. Wrong. It's Bulletproof glass making the bullet bounce back causing no damage what so ever. )

Holding a Barret M82 its structure built to be used by them their fingers being able to hold them without any worry of it slipping. They positioned it by the floor. Opening a door that held a small room, bodies of manneqines all over it.

( A/n- so this small room is under the training room

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( A/n- so this small room is under the training room. It's connected to other rooms but we'll get into that later. I hope that makes sense)

The room was built for these two to be able to practice their sniper skills as if in a high building roof. Them lying higher up able to have a perfect view of the targets.

Chenle and jisung positioned themselves targeting the moving machine mannequins shooting at them.

Mark on the other side of the room was with haechan hitting bullseye with every bullet they discharged. The targets full of holes but it seemed as if only one was made by them. Center. What anyone would like to have. The ability to target it with only one bullet.

May I say it's not so fun being able to gain that ability. Too many kills, it would take a human, more I say an assassin way too many kills to perfect a bulleye.

They had been together since kids, both of them to going through torment together. They never left each others side.

But all that torment only let to accumulated anger. Making them the assassins of the group so merciless they don't care who it will be unless they wore the nct mark on them.

Mark broke the comfortable silence between them.

"What going on with you and park?"


"Yes, jeongha"

"I don't even know myself, we confessed to each other. I am finally able to like someone and move on from her but I'm afraid something could happen to her and I'll become a mess. Again."

"We'll catch dad. Just don't make stupid desicions. We don't want history repeating" replied mark giving haechan a slight smack on the back.

Haechan had thought back to his actions.

"Haechan we can get her back control yourself" mark tried calming down the furious boy who had lashed out trashing the living room. Broken glass everywhere members surrounding them.

"Calm down you want me to calm down, mark? My fucking girlfriend was kidnapped by a psycho who is also OUR FATHER HOW THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN" haechan had screamed a single tear rolling down his eye. The fear of knowing his father would do anything to take away the person he loved the most.

"Haechan we can't go out there until we know they are in a safe zone. We could go into a bomb field for fucks sake!" Mark had tried to give the suffering boy reasons as to not leave their base.

"If it was YOUR girlfriend you would be doing the same" haechan stood straight a deadly glare left his eyes.

"Move" he told mark,

Mark did in fact move, something he deeply regrets doing but he knew he couldn't hold him back. He lost him. He lost the donghyuck he once knew.

He wasn't coming back.


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