The Call

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Everyday your Alarm Starts at 7 am. After that you take a shower, eat breakfast get ready and head to the Hospital to start your day.
Yesterday you had a day off and forgot to turn your alarm on again. 7:30 am your roommate and also close friend Vici came into your room and screamed: „Y/N, you have to wake up or we are coming to late."
You look at your phone and see how late it is.
Y/N: „Oh shit, yeah give me 10 minutes."

10 minutes later you and Vici are driving to work.

A little bit later
It's now 12:45 am

You and Vici are having a work-break when you see that Scarlett is calling you.

Y/N: „Hey Scar, what's up?" you say as you are on your phone.
Scarlett: „Um hi, here is Chris, there was a little accident on Set so we really need you right now."
Y:N: „Hey Chris, tell me what happend and where is Scar, is she okay?"
(Chris over Scarletts Phone): „ I can't explain it right now, just come to the set. I send you our place." He says after he ended the call.
You turn to Vici and say: „ Hey I need to go, something happend on Set and they really need me."
Vici: It's okay, I'll tell the chef that I gonna work for you too today."
Y/N: „Thanks Vic, I ow you something."

Chris sendet you the coordinates and you are on your way to the set.

You Park your Car and go inside.

Y/N: „Hello? Where are you guys?"
No answer. After a while you decide to call Chris.
As you are about to call them people are jumping out and Scream: „ Happy Birthday Y/N!"
You thought: „ Oh shit, I forgot my birthday."
Scar comes and Cuddles you, so do Sebastian, Chris, Rdj and Gwyneth.
Scarlett: „ You didn't thought we would forget your birthday."
Y/N: „ No i would Never, but I kinda forgot my birthday."
Everyone: „What? How?"
Y/N: „ Well I had so much work in the Hospital the Last days and today Vici woke me up because I forgot to turn on my alarm."
Anthony: „ And that's why we love you."
Scarlett: „What would we do without our favorite crackhead?"
Sebastian: „We would be bored."
Y/N: „ Nawww, I Love you guys so much."
Everyone: „ And we love you." they say while pulling you into a hug.
Tom: „ Well darling, we thought about going into a nice restaurant with you and the marvel-cast today if you want. You also can bring Vici if you want."
Scarlett: „ You will also meet some new people of the marvel-cast like Brie, Lizzie and both Paul's."
Sebastian: „But only if you want, we know how anxious you are sometimes."
Y/N: No that's okay. I ask Vici if she wants to come to, but I have to go back to the hospital now."
Scarlett: „I send you the location later and sorry if we scared you that something happened. You get your present later. Love and see you later Y/N."
Y/N: „See you later and Love you too." you say as you are going back to your car.

Back to work
It's 14:30 am now.

Vici: „ I hoped they didn't scared you too much." she says laughing at you.
Y/N: „You have known about this?" You say while playfully hitting her arm.
Vici: „ Yes haha, and now from Me happy Birthday to my favorite Roommate and friend I love you."

Message from: Scar❤️‍🔥

Scar: The Restaurant is ....(imagine something haha) it's called Santorini
and we gonna meet there at 8pm.
Love you, see you later. 💗

Y/N: Okay Vic is gonna come
too See you later and love you
too Scar. 💗

Y/N: „Hey Vic we gonna go eat with the Marvel-Cast today if you wanna-"
She cuts you off
Vici: „I would Love to come with you."

You're now over with work and heat home with Vici.

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