The Flowers

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Today was to stressful, I got to get out of this stupid house. If I'm consumed by the silence of this house, I will not hesitate to burn it to the ground. I decided to go for a walk in the woods. After walking for about ten or so minutes, I see a field, full of blue flowers, barely visible from under the moonlight. I walked to the center of the flower field when suddenly, something else moved, it was a person thank god. The person looked at me. It was too dark to see their face. Then, they booked it for the tree line. "hey, I'll leave. you were here first." I say. I didn't want to bug them. as I walked up to the tree they were behind, quickly they pulled their hoodie over their head so I couldn't see their face. "hi, uhh if you want I am willing to leave. sorry for disturbing you peace." I said as I began to walk away. "wait! uhh you can stay. its fine." the other stated. "really? well, I know we don't know each other but, do you want to stargaze with me?'' Why did I say that? I'm so stupid! what kind of stranger just acc-"sure" I was shocked to say the least. "but I do have one request,""please don't look at my face.'' What? That was kind of random. "okay, I can respect you wishes of hiding your face." I said. " thank you.'' We began walking to the center of the field, where this all started. as we both sat down, I looked away so he could lay down comfortably in the grass without exposing his face. next I laid down. as I settled into the soft, cold grass, I felt my hand touch his hand for a second. In that second, my face turned bright pink. Thank god it was dark, or I would have embarrassed myself even more. once in the grass, lying comfortably, I asked "what's your name?""... Dream. ''he responded. "no, like your real name. "I said. "to you, it's dream. What's your name?" he questioned back at me. "George. George Davidson.'' After that was nothing but the bugs chirping and the moon looking down on us. The silence wasn't uncomfortable though, it was a nice kind of quiet. I'm sitting in a flower field, with a stranger, with no phone. wow. "the flowers are lovely. don't you think so? dream?" I said in an attempt to start a conversation. "Yes, I love the way the purple seems to glow in the moonlight." purple? but these flowers are clearly blue? "purple? these are blue." I said in confusion. then I remembered. "oh, I'm color blind." I said. "really? I have a friend, his boy friend is mildly colorblind.""wow, so you can tell me about your friends boyfriend but not your name?" I said jokingly, earning a high pitched laugh out of the other. " What is that laugh!?" I say struggling over my own giggles. Then, out of the long laughing and joking fit me and my new friend were having, we heard a phone go off. instantly he stops and gets up, careful not to reveal his face. "I have to go, '' he says sadly. Then, I got this great idea. "hey, how about tomorrow night, we meet up again? same time same place?" I ask hopefully. "Yeah, that sounds nice. see you then George. George Davidson." he says, getting a giggle out of me. then walks off to god knows where. then I realize how late it must be. I get up and start to walk towards where I came from. when I got home I felt much better than when I left. I went to my room to grab my phone that, for some reason I left here. the clock read '3:42 am' wow. I was out in that field with 'dream' for 2 hours just talking and giggling about random stuff. He seems cool. like a nice friend to have when you're feeling down, or someone who would help you blow up illegal fireworks, or some one who would be more than willing to help you plan world domination. Then, an idea popped up in my head. I went to my pc and searched up wiki how and YouTube tutorials. after watching a few videos, it was now 6: 27. I go to work at 7:00. I guess I accidently pulled an all-nighter. as I got ready for work, I couldn't help but feel excited for tonight. it's nice having something to look forwards to. I had something planned for the next time we meet up. hint, it involves flowers.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm just going to pretend that5 people are actually going to read this. anyways, I hope you have a nice day/night/morning/eveningword count: 805

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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