Yoohyeon just glanced at JiU's screen and saw her keep getting perfects. She didn't think that JiU would be this good at this game. When they finished, JiU got a higher score than Yoohyeon. 

She put her fists in the air happily and smiled towards Yoohyeon.

"I won!" She said. Yoohyeon smiled, but she couldn't let JiU beat her.

"Best out of three?" She asked. JiU smirked confident in her skills and nodded. This time though, Yoohyeon was the one beating her and getting all perfects. 

"Hey! You've probably done this one before haven't you?" JiU said while panting. Yoohyeon just shrugged her shoulders.

"Maybe?" She said while smiling. 

"Let's go again. You said best out of three." JiU said wanting another shot. Yoohyeon shook her head and got off.

"I think it's good that we both won. I have other games to show you." JiU hopped off and nodded. Yoohyeon took her to a shooting game this time and showed off her skills.

JiU had to admit that Yoohyeon was good. She smiled as she saw Yoohyeon smiling and jumping after she won.

"Did you see that? I beat the highest score!" She said while jumping. JiU just nodded. They continued to play other games and even tried out a VR section. Both couldn't help but fall deeper in love with one another.

They played for so long and even forgot about Gahyeon. When they heard that the arcade was closing, they both walked out and went to get ice cream. 

They sat outside of the ice cream parlor and ate in silence. Yoohyeon kept glancing at JiU and JiU noticed this.

"Are you going to stop glancing at me?" She asked teasingly. Yoohyeon looked away shyly while JiU just laughed at how cute she was.

"We should probably head back to the portal. It's kind of late." Yoohyeon said. JiU's eyes widen at what she said.

"What time is it?" She asked seriously. Yoohyeon looked at the time again.

"10:30. Why?" She asked. JiU smacked her forehead.

"Gahyeon!" She got up from her chair and started to walk towards the orphanage. Yoohyeon, a little slow, finally caught on and she too got up quickly. 

JiU stopped walking suddenly and Yoohyeon caught up to her.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Something doesn't feel right." JiU said. She started running towards the orphanage. Yoohyeon could sense something bad was going to happen too and started running after JiU.

As JiU got closer to the building, nothing was wrong with it. She sighed in relief and walked in. She saw the two dogs playing and went to Gahyeon's room.

"Gahyeon?" She asked while knocking on the door. She opened the door and found Gahyeon lying in bed with her back towards JiU.

"You said you would come back." She said sadly. JiU immediately rushed over to her and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry. I was just busy." She said. 

"Busy with your girlfriend?" Gahyeon asked.

JiU didn't respond and could only look down.

"Are you replacing me? You rarely come here often and every time you do, you bring Rachel along with you and then you both leave together." Gahyeon said still trying to avoid JiU's eyes.

"I would never replace you Gahyeon. You are one of the most important people to me and I love you more than anyone else." JiU said.

"Then why do you not have time for me?" Gahyeon asked sadly.

"I'm jealous of you and Yoohyeon. You two get to see each other every day and have fun while I'm stuck here in the human world wondering when you will come back." Gahyeon said as she started to cry. 

JiU just pulled her into a hug not knowing what to say or how she could fix this.

"You don't have to be jealous of Yoohyeon because you and I have a special bond. You know I would never replace you and you should know that you are important to me. I don't know how I can visit you, but I will try to everyday if you would like." JiU said.

"Do you promise?" Gahyeon asked looking into JiU's eyes. JiU nodded.

"I promise and it can be a just you and me kind of thing. I won't bring Yoohyeon along if you don't want." Gahyeon nodded while wiping her tears.

"It's okay if she comes, but I would like to have more days where it's just you and me." She said feeling a little bit better.

"Here, tomorrow, let's meet each other and have a fun day to make up for this one okay?" JiU asked hoping that it would cheer Gahyeon up. Gahyeon smiled and nodded.

"It's really late and I should get back to my dorm." JiU said. Gahyeon nodded and hugged her.

"Sleep well Eomma. See you tomorrow." JiU hugged the girl back.

"You too." JiU stood up and left Gahyeon's room she closed the door on her way out and was making her way towards the entrance. Before she could reach the main door, she heard an explosion and looked back towards where it came from.

"Gahyeon!" She yelled. She ran back towards Gahyeon. The flames spread quicker than normal and started to block her path to Gahyeon's room. 

She looked around to see if she could find an opening.

A/N: Favorite title song by Dreamcatcher?

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