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The next days of school, JiU has been spending all of her time in the school's library looking for books about demons. She couldn't really find any because it was the angel's side so she thought about going to the demon's side.

She walked over towards the demon's side and got mixed looks from the demons there. She went into their library and everyone stood there watching her curiously.

Just as she pulled a book out, someone pushed her to the ground. She glared harshly at who ever pushed her and recognized him.

"Byeong?" She asked surprised. He smiled.

"Wow an angel actually knows my name." He looked at the book that she was holding and grabbed it from her. 

"Hey!" She tried to grab it back from him but he was able to keep it out of her grasp. She started to get angry. When he turned his back to her, JiU smirked and picked up another book. She aimed it perfectly and hit the guy in the back of the head. 

He dropped the book that JiU wanted previously and turned towards her with a sharp gaze. She got startled and started to walk backwards in fear. He kept moving closer and he let his fangs and horns out.

JiU didn't know what to do and kept on backing up. Her back hit a wall and nobody was helping her. All of the other demons just watched as Byeong got closer to her.

"You're going to regret doing that to a demon." He said in demonic voice. Even though she was scared, she stared at him like she wasn't impressed.

"I feel pretty good right now." She said. She tried to make her voice as firm as possible and the guy just looked at her. He grabbed her throat and pushed her against the wall.

She started to choke and tried to kick him, but her kicks didn't mean anything. She closed her eyes and tears started to fall out as he started to squeeze harder. 

He was really trying to kill her. 

Yoohyeon before school started

Yoohyeon woke up after a good night sleep. She felt more happy than usual. JiU promised her that she would help her control her powers and that made Yoohyeon even more excited.

She took out her phone wondering if JiU had texted her about anything, but she didn't. Yoohyeon still felt little sad, but JiU was probably busy she thought.

Dami and Siyeon were already waiting for Yoohyeon to get up before going to their classes. They usually go together as a team and also not pay attention to the classes together.

"So, what did you and JiU talk about?" Siyeon asked while wiggling her eyebrows. Yoohyeon just laughed at her friend and continued to walk.

"Nothing big. We got to know more about each other."

"Like what?" 

"Like our parents, how we found out we were different, my powers." 

"and what did she say?" Dami asked.

"She wants to help me control my powers." Yoohyeon said. Dami and Siyeon had a confused expression.

"Do they teach angels about demons?" Siyeon asked.

"That's what I was wondering too, but no. They don't usually." 

"Then how is she going to do that?" Yoohyeon was wondering about that too. Did they have books in the library that she could read?

"I don't really know. She was very excited though. She thinks we're cool." Yoohyeon said feeling proud. 

"Because we are." Dami said while Siyeon nodded in agreement. 

Angels and Demons JiYooWhere stories live. Discover now