avas face 

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avas face 

with evina and ava 

evina - so what was the point of that fight ?

ava - i felt disrespected at the restaurant and i got invited here so i handled business 

evina- but you just got your ass dragged thru the mud 

ava - shut the fuck up before i slap your ass 

evina - who the fuck you talking to . if it wasn't for me yo ass would of been in a hospital bed right now 

ava- i dont need anyone to help me ( snatches the towel out of evinas hands and put it on her eye) 

evina - you better stop before i whoop your ass then get sky to beat yo ass again

ava- whatever ( jumps off the counter and leaves the bathroom bumping into evina on the way out ) 

evina - girl . ( says to herself) evina , you don't have time to go to jail today ( walks out the bathroom to find the rest of the girls 

with paige and skylar

p- babe what was that? i told you to be carefull . now look at you 

sky - she's the one that came in here and started mess with me . she swung first and missed so i fucked her up 

p- that you did. but next time try not to almost kill them 

sky - i didn't mean to . when i fight i fight hard .

p- i see .

sky - but i promise i will be more careful next time 

p- why did she want to fight you anyway ?

sky - said she felt like i disrespected her and parker at the restaurant and wanted to "check me" for being mean and disrespectful .

p- and she got her ass dragged trying to prove something ?

sky - yep 

p- wow . well do you want to go back out to the party or stay in here for the rest of the night 

sky - i would love to stay in here and do things but we have a house full of drunk people so i dont think thats a good idea . especially since your door doesn't lock 

p- yeah i have to fix that . well let's go then 

everything returns back to normal and everyone goes back to dancing while ava leaves . sky and paige finds the group dancing and decides to join them .  everyone starts to leave around 12 am and everything is a mess . once everyone leaves paige , nika ,sky , and evina clean up while the rest of them go to sleep since they are blacked out drunk. after a while of cleaning everyone goes to sleep around 4 in the morning with the dorm still dirty .

the next day 

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