"That's my wife you are referring too." Adrien glared at the model before flicking his angry eyes at his cousin.

"Lila, that's enough." Félix warned fruitlessly, the Italian still ignoring him. She was enjoying this way too much.

"But then again you never did get over my boyfriend did you? How pathetic. The high and mighty Chloé Bourgeois, so unlucky in love. I guess in the end no one could quite measure up to Adrien now could they? What do you even have to show for yourself except that you continue to live off your parents coattails. But don't worry Chloé, I'll send you a wedding invitation to remind you of what you will never have. Maybe you can still bring Sabrina as your plus's one."

Chloé fisted her hand and held her head high. "At least I loved Félix and didn't pretend to care just to get into his bed..." The blonde was cut off but the sudden splash of Lila's drink in her face.

"Lila!" Adrien growled, grabbing a fuming Chloé by the arm to stop the flight of her balled up her fist.

"Let me go, Adrien." Chloé screeched. "I'll give her what she deserves."

"Chloé!" Félix cried out in shock and embarrassment, taking a protective stance in front of Lila which surprised the blonde. 

"Just get her out of here Félix." Adrien demanded, pointing at Lila who was showing no remorse whatsoever.

Félix looked like he wanted to say something, but now wasn't the right time. He grabbed up Lila by the arm and pulled her out of the function room and out onto the terrance, past the gossipers looking on, where a heated argument started. Not long after, Lila was then seen storming off back into the function room while Félix was left smoking on the terrance.

Chloé grabbed a napkin off the table and rubbed the sticky orange juice off her face. "Félix is a fool for staying with her, and did you see him protecting her? Protecting that witch. I don't understand what kind of spell she has him under." She grumbled, dropping the wet napkin into Marinette's hand unexpectedly.

"It's complicated." Adrien offered, taking the wet napkin back from his wife and putting it on the table. He wanted to tell her what Félix had told him about Lila being pregnant, but now wasn't a good time. He knew it would hurt her when she found out and it was really something Félix should do himself.

Chloé just huffed in response. "I pity you and Marinette having to deal with her on Monday."

"You're not coming, Chlo?" Adrien asked. Chloé laughed humourlessly.

"Mother banned me from her photoshoots years ago. Apparently I was the reason for three separate akumas which put them behind schedule. Utterly ridiculous if you ask me." A large crash then startled the room.

Gabriel was highly annoyed. He was still bristling over Audrey taking such a liking to Marinette and her designs. Protégé indeed! Now though he felt as though he was in a position where he had no choice but to pander to Audrey and her demands. Once she gets into Amelie's ear, and he knew she would, there would be even more pressure to elevate his son's wife to a higher position in the company. With a new designer, it would become even easier for Amelie and Félix to squeeze him out of his own company since Marinette and Adrien were far more popular than he is in the public eye. The whole night had backfired spectacularly!

Putting his own annoyance aside, it was time for him to enact the second reason he had decided to come out tonight, to observe Adrien and Marinette, or more specifically their reactions to a new akuma.

As entertaining as Chloé and Lila's spat was, their particular brand of anger wasn't what he was after today. No, he needed something much more volatile and explosive. He could feel a new anger growing now though from where the kitchen was. Yes, this was much better. Sending his akuma that way, it found a willing prey in an angry junior chef who had just been ripped a new one by his superior for over spicing the canapés. He hadn't told Nathalie that the Peacock Miraculous was, in fact, safely tucked away in his pocket, and while he had decided against using an amok on this occasion, he had every intention of boosting his victims powers. After all, if he was right, only Chat Noir would be turning up anyway.

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