horse gay?!?!

14 1 2

Horse-taro walks in to see the gay happening and his love Shrek dead on the floor.
"Nooo, my love :'(". He crys sadly.
"Forget about that loser and do the gay with us, horse boi". Reader-chan said they unbotton their shiet.  Hot. 

Ur mom grabs her a s s cheeks and agrees.  She Hopps on his like a horse (duh he is a fucking horse) and rides him (not sexual I swear) yet anyway they do the gay.

Horse-taro moans as he fucking steps on Shrek-senpai's head, his brain piping out cutely.
"Haha he has no brain like a poopoo head XD aha *pees cutely*". Reader-chan says.

Shrek x Gooby x reader x ur mom x horse-taro (NSFW)Where stories live. Discover now