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"so, danielle has a rare condition," the doctor began. mr. and mrs. moore sat on the edge of their seats, nervously waiting to find out what was wrong with their one year old daughter. danielle was in the waiting area, playing with one of the nurses.

"will she survive?" tracy moore interrupted.

"honey, let him finish." jonathan moore rubbed his wife's hands, and nodded towards the man in the white coat.

"it's called congenital analgesia, or congenital insensitivity to pain. one of danielle's genes, has a mutation, causing this disorder." the doctor sighed. mr. and mrs. moore frowned, not fully understanding what he meant. "she can't feel pain." he said plainly.

"w-what?" a few tears fell from mrs. moore's eyes. she was confused. her daughter couldn't feel pain? how is that even possible.

nineteen years later

"dani, don't touch the stove! i just made eggs and it's still hot!" amelia rory applegate called to her roommate. danielle jae moore was just waking up, still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"got it, lea." danielle rolled her eyes slightly and sat down on the couch next to their other roommate, penny lane garner. she got slightly annoyed when anyone warned her about danger, and her friends continued to do it, all the time.

the three girls were ballet dancers. danielle and amelia had known each other since diapers, penny joining the friends later. after highschool, the girls moved in together, but only after penny and amelia had many long discussions with danielle's parents. it took almost a month of convincing before danielle finally got to move in.

as danielle watched an only episode of friends with penny, one that penny had seen a gazillion times, she got a phone call. seeing it was her guy best friend, daniel, she got up and went back to her room.

"hey dani." she smiled, forgetting about everything wrong for a moment.

"heyyyyy dani! there's a really horrible horror movie showing at the theater, wanna go? daniel james seavey spoke from his couch with an even larger smile. daniel had a crush on danielle, and even talking to her made him happy.

"when?" danielle opened up her planner, checking when she had dance practice.

"uh in like half an hour." daniel double checked quickly. danielle groaned and laid back in bed.

"i have dance." she mumbled, disappointed she wouldn't get to see the boy.

"right." daniel nodded, understanding her commitment and trying to hide his disappointment. he knew the dancer wanted to eventually dance in the nutcracker on broadway, or even off of broadway. "there's another one at midnight." he tried again.

"if i'm not exhausted." danielle giggled. "but sure."

"see you then, dani." he laughed.

"bye seavey." she giggled and hung up. the girl laid on her bed for a while longer, before getting ready to go to her ballet class. she packed her bag and put her caramel hair in a messy bun. after putting on a cropped hoodie and leggings, she got in her car, and drove to her class.


so congenital analgesia is actually a thinggg

i read about it in a biography that i had to read for school my freshman year so yeah (:

sorry this took so long

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