The sanctions of the Spanish and Ottoman empire

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UN pov
I sanctioned Spain to not be able to be trading with any non sanctioned nations with the Ottomans having to decolonize any of their non cores with them not having any non core states sadly....

Ottoman empire pov
I began cutting off trades with NATO and trading with BRICS, Spain, and my puppets to keep their economies alive... Relations with BRICS and Spain heavily increased with my economy booming with BRICS forcing the sanction about us not being able to receive trades from non sanctioned nations... With China and Russia being the closet to me along with Spain in relations with numerous events honoring our relations with me putting up flags of BRICS nations and Spain plus giving both BRICS and Spain citizens honorable citizenship in my nation. With BRICS and Spain heavily investing in me along with doing similar events honoring my nation's friendship with theirs....

UN pov
BRICS forced me to undo all sanction on Spain and Ottoman empire.... I hate BRICS!

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