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Iran pov
I smirked as me and Turkey were about to sign a document making me the Ottoman empire and I take the land of Turkey... Turkey signed deal as he gave it to me and I signed it as Turkey fell and I turned into the Ottoman empire..... Then the UN called a meeting... Hmph

UN pov
I watched as everyone entered the meeting then I saw a bigger Turkey enter the room? I then asked who they were with them smirking
Ottoman empire: Hello UN I am the Ottoman empire!
Oman: WHAT?!
Iraq:Oh Fuck no!

France pov
I yelt at him demanding this empire end as the Ottomans walk up to me and say
Ottoman empire: If you want me to end my Empire then you will have to kill me to do so.... And you are weak France.. I know you won't go after me so I won't go after you.... I only want to bring the Central Powers back no more and no less.. if you want to get in my business then fine we can fight.... But I won't fight you unless I have to France

UN pov
I then see Ottoman empire leave the meeting I then sigh and end the meeting as the UK and USA walk to me to talk about how to end this new Empire

The Fall Of The New And Rebirth Of The OldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz