the first finale battle

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(You both get to the room where qurill is with the mirror of erised)

Y/n: professor qurill? Were you behind all of this?

Quirll: I wasnt...or maybe it was me. (Takes off turbine) (Voldemort comes out from his turbine)


volde: indeed I was child! Because I need you!! QUIRLL GRAB HIM! (Quirll grabs harry and drags him to the mirror) CHILD what do you see!!

Remember the last time harry was looking at himself in the mirror of erised he saw himself standing with his mom and dad.

Harry: I see me standing with my parents.

Volde: LIES!! Tell me what you really see!!


Volde: MORE LIES!! WOULD I HAVE TO KILL YOU TO GET THE ANSWER!(points his wand to harry)

Y/n: You kill him, I kill you!! (Standing like wanda and with your powers)

Y/n: You kill him, I kill you!! (Standing like wanda and with your powers)

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Volde: Ahh!! You think you can kill me with those powers of yours!?!

Y/n: you think I cant! I live in a whole house with assassins!!

Volde:ahh!! Your the child of miss. Maximoth! We could really use you as a death eater!?!

Y/n: Not interested! (You 2 start fighting) (harry finds the stone in his pocket) (all of a sudden the fight stops and Voldemort is staring at harry)

Volde: Harry give me the stone and you'll parents will live again.

Y/n: Dont listen to him harry!! You know the only way to kill Voldemort is to not give him the stone!

(Voldemort starts fighting with you) (you fight back) (harry puts his hands on voldemort)(Voldemorts burning)

Y/n: come on harry your doing it!! Continue! (Harry continues until Voldemort has completely disengaged)

Y/n: HARRY YOU DID IT!! (goes to hug him) (except sees him laying on the floor in pain) HARRY, ARE YOU OK!!

Harry: Y/N!! (Cant get up) I'm fine!!(tries to get up)

Y/n: No your not! Your in pain! (Harry passes out) Harry? HARRY!?! (Y/n takes him to the infirmary)

(A day after the battle) (harry wakes up) (y/n's sitting next to Harry's hospital bed)

Harry: y/n? Is that you?

Y/n: yess it's me harry. Thank goodness your awake!!(hugs him tightly) (harry does the same)

Harry: y/n, did you get hurt at all?

Y/n: actually I did. (Rolls up sleeve)

Harry: wow. I'm sorry for putting you in that situation.

Y/n: it's ok. Its not your fault.

Dumbledor: umm.. miss. Maximoth could leave me to talk to harry?

Y/n: yeah sure. (You leave)

Dumbledore: you know harry, y/n has been in this seat for the past day. She was so worried about you that she didnt go to class nor went to her own dorm to sleep.

Harry: she was really worried about then. I'm worried about too.

Dumbledore: how come?

Harry: well you see she got hurt too in the battle.

Dumbledore: oh it's ok. Y/n is strong so I'm not too worried about them.

Harry: I guess your right.

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