Comic Ayanokouji

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Ayanokouji's POV

As soon as I was notified about the school, where 'this man' couldn't lay his hands, I couldn't doubt a worthiness of opportunity attending there. For the time being, I am standing next to bus stop, waiting a bus arrival. I am not nervous, I would describe it as feeling excited before waiting for something you've been waiting for, so long. In my situation, it is freedom and its advantages. Next to me, there was a boy, holding a small mirror he was looking at. He was smiling, very wide and creepy smile. He wears ANHS uniform, so that means we gotta go in the same direction, huh?I was looking forward to have some friends, but this guy was internally rejected from my friend list. I feel like it would be still bottom even without his appearance there.Okay, it is not time to be sad, I gotta be optimistic, right? *sigh* I can't be optimistic about this, I'm absolutely lacking in terms of social skills. Probably, I can be friends with the guys who would become loners, like me 


 Looking out of bus window I heard something right behind me, it was office lady, standing next to old woman, and right in front of them, there was a boy I recognized instantly, It was a creepy-looking guy that was waiting bus with me

-"Don't you see this old lady struggling to stand, why wouldn't you, young boy, offer your seat to this old lady?" Hmm?

-"Why would I?" I immeaditely realized it was a pointless dispute, so I looked away and didn't even put effort to hear out what they were arguing about.I saw a pretty girl with black hair, she was reading a book. She looked like a very serious person, who don't even know what usual highschooler have on their minds, and so do I. But you can't really blame me for it. This girl didn't offer her seat and didn't even looked like she cared about it. 


As soon as I got out of the bus, I stood right in front of gates. So, it will be my first step in my highschool life? I hope, I won't get troubled with it,right at the entrance.

-"Hey, you!" Thank you, whoever made me go against my wishes

-"What?" Ah, it was girl I saw there, in the bus, during argument.

-"You looked at me in the bus, why?" Because you, blind existence, couldn't reliaze I was looking at your book, not you. *cough* *cough*

-"I just saw you were reading a interesting book, nothing more" This is not lie-

"I see" No you don't. As I said earlier, you are blind existence, though I didn't really said it, it happened in my thoughts, after all.And so I could get away with this


I was standing here, at the entrance ceremony, it was quite a boring sight to see. I wanted it to come to end as soon as it would be possible. And my wishes came true, a bit later.  I stopped dead in my tracks right in front of my classdoor. What should I do, my whole highschool life will depend on my introduction. 

-"My-my, what do we have here, a Wallboy-kun. Please can you get out of my way, you are wasting a time of perfect existence, me!"

Meanwhile, Ayanokouji in his thoughts:'Should I come inside with a joke, or do something extraordinary, or just don't do anything?' My thoughts were  interrupted by a loud sounds behind me and feeling of someone trying to move me

-"I wasn't wrong when I called you Wallboy-kun, I can't even move you! What are you, a wall?"

-"Ah, sorry. I just spaced out a bit. But didn't you just referred to me, as 'Wallboy-kun' earlier, so your question don't have any sense, am I right?"

-"Huh? You are quite confident, to go against perfect existence, aren't you? But, can you really move out, you are annoying to me, and 15 people standing behind me, thinks so too" Oh, there were queue of people standing there, they weren't happy at the time, as I can observe by their faces... 

So I just came in class and observed everything I could see here. Blackboard, chairs, desks, camera?... Girls, boys, pretty girls, pretty boys, ugly gir... I don't really think I have to go this far. I sat at chair next to desk with my name on it. I saw this blind girl right beside me, what a unpleasant coincidence...

-"What a unpleasant coincidence." She said. Why are so harsh? Wait, I thought about the same.

-"Yeah. My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. And yours?"

-"You just introduced yourself and asked for my name out of blue, am I right?" Oh, you are not only blind, you are deaf too. No, you are entire circus itself

-"Yeah, what's with that?-"What if I don't wanna introduce myself?"

-"Ok, then bye." I said, now, without any enthusiasm 



-"Ah, I am Horikita Suzune"

-"I heard somewhere, a dialogues like this, mostly, called 'oblivion NPC dialogue'. But why?" 

-"I don't know what it means, either. But it has to be something harsh, I think?" Horikita said. Oops, I non-intentionally said it aloud 



-"Why are ignoring me, you idiot"

-"Oh, sorry. I didn't had any internal intentions, I just slightly spaced out"...

-"Hey, guys! Don't you think it would be good opportunity to introduce ourselves?"

-"Yeah, I think alike!" Some NPC girls exclaimed

-"Okay, I start with my introduction. My name is Hirata Yousuke. I like to play soccer, I've been in a soccer club in middle school, so I'm gonna join soccer club here, too! Also, feel free to use my first name!" I have never been playing soccer, but if we played one-on-one, I feel like your lose would be hilarious.

Some introductions were making students laugh, pitiful, disgusted and etc. I was making fun of all of them. But something unexpected happened, now it was my turn to introduce myself.

It would be the last nail in the lid of my coffin



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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