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Bucky's POV:(sorry gonna be short)

"Hey Tony." He said walking past him, going into the kitchen.

"Hey tin man." He hated the nick name Tony gave him. His arm was always the first thing people used to describe him.

"Congrats by the way." Bucky turned to him, brows furrowed in confusion.

"Please everyone heard you last night, you kinda screamed' I'm gonna be a dad.' I think everyone knows."

"Well thank you, Tony." Bucky went to the fridge and found the plums.

"I'm gonna throw a party tonight." Tony said, leaving the room.

Just that moment Nat, Wanda, and Brooke walk in.

"Morning baby." Brooklyn said as she walked passed him.

"Good morning beautiful. How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good." Brooke smiled.

"And how did you sleep, little one?" He said looking down at Brookes stomach, touching it.

"I think they slept pretty well." Brooke looked at Bucky, leaning in to kiss him.

They shared a passionate kiss.

Time skip cuz I don't know what else to write

He was getting ready for the party Stark was throwing in honor of the baby.

Brooke came out of the bathroom in a red and gold dress. The dress had a slit in the side, ending in the middle of her thigh. She put on a black over coat. It was lacy and smooth and covered most of the slit in the side.

"Don't you look beautiful?" He smirked and she chuckled.

"Let's go, the party is waiting for us." This time she smirked and he chuckled.

He held out his arm and she held onto it. They walked out into the room and down the stairs. All eyes were on them.

"Damn you guys are a power couple." Sam said walking to the bar.

"What do you want to drink baby?" He whispered in her ear.

"Orange juice please, thanks babe" she replied.

"EVERYONE GET YOUR DRINKS IM MAKING A TOAST!" Tony yelled. Bucky winced in shock.

He got himself a beer and Brooke her orange juice. He walked over and handed her the drink.

"To Brooke and Bucky and the little baby Avenger!" Tony yelled and everyone clicked their glasses together.

Bucky smirked, he new what was happing next. He had asked Tony to do a toast.  

He got in front of Brooke and pulled a Tiny black box from his back pocket.

He got on one knee.

"Brooke, I have loved you since I first met you in Hydra. You are my everything. I don't know what I would do you weren't here with me right now. I have and will always love you. So Brooklyn Remerez, will you marry me?"

Tears were falling from her eyes.

"Oh my god, YES! YES I WILL MARRY YOU." She fell into his arms.

He took her left hand and slid the ring onto her ring finger.

"I love you with everything I have."

"I love you to James Buchanan Barnes."

Hey still need baby names!!!

Also the story is soon coming to an end. 🥺

I love each and every one of you.

Thank you for everything! For all the love and support!

I wanted to give a special thanks to some people who gave me inspiration to write this and continue to write this.

aricentrall and OceanoKennedy thank you both so much for your writing and for your support!!!


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