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Bucky's POV (I know there is a lot of Bucky and Brooklyn POV switches but these two are the main characters)

She had fallen asleep in his arms. It was the most comforting thing ever. He was a little sad that she was having nightmares as well but she didn't have to go through this alone. 

Bucky had Steve, Tony, and Wakanda's best to help him. Brooke had him. He had fallen more in love with her everyday. Even though they were only reunited for about 2 days. She trusted him and that was more than most of the other avengers could say. 

But the downside to all of this was there was a chance that she didn't see him that way. But he needed to shoot his shot. He spoke softly, fearing he might wake her. 

He fell asleep right after his little speech and slept dreamlessly for the first time in years.


The next morning he felt something shift. He slowly opened his eyes to see Brooklyn still sleeping. He carefully rolled over to look at the clock.

"Oh shit. Brooke. Hey Brooklyn. Doll come on its 1 in the afternoon, we need to get up." Bucky chuckled as she rolled over away from the sun light.

"I don't wanna." She whined.

"We have to doll. The others are probably worried about us. Come on." He sat up on the bed. 

"Fiiine." Brooke moaned as she got up and stretched. Bucky had brought her into his room last night. 

She had fallen asleep on his lap, so his carefully brought her to his room and laid on the floor until she started screaming. He immediately recognized it as a nightmare. 

She was still in her torn clothes from yesterday, well the torn clothes she had for years. He was in his boxers. 

"We got to get you some new clothes, doll. We can go to the mall later." Bucky said as he stood up to get pants and a shirt on.

"What's a mall?" Brooke asked still sitting on the bed.

"A mall is a place to buy things like food, clothing, hair dye, and other things." He didn't know any other way to explain it to her. 

He got up and went over to his dresser and pulled out a long sleeved shirt and jeans. He quickly put them on and grabbed a pair of black leather gloves.

"Why do you have gloves and a long sleeved shirt? It really warm out today." Brooke hadn't been outside. 

"How do you know that? You just woke up. And I wear them because if I don't people usually stare at me." Bucky had done some things in his life that he was not proud of, But what the people didn't know was that he wasn't in control over his mind. 

"Oh, I'm sorry," Brooke looks down at the bed in guilt, "And I know cause I can smell the air, my senses were heightened."

Bucky notices as she stared at the bed beneath her. He walked over to her and softly grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. " Hey hey hey. It's ok. I'm not mad at you for asking and it's not your fault they stare. Don't beat your self up, ok?" 

She nods and hugs him.  

"Stay here for a sec," Bucky go into his bathroom and grabs clippers, a comb, a brush, and a damp washcloth, "I'm going to brush and cut your hair then wash your face, is that ok?" Bucky could tell she didn't understand the concept of getting a hair cut, but he smiled as she nodded.

He sits down behind her and starts brushing as carefully as he could, Warning her before if he thought it might hurt her. He finished brushing out her hair and started to trim it. 

"Done." He says as he stands up and walks in front of her, dabbing her face with a washcloth.

"How does it look? How much red did you take off? Can we fix it?" Bucky chuckled as Brooke started asking questions.

"Don't worry doll, Your hair will grow back, and we can get your hair tips re-dyed, and I didn't cut off to much." he smirked as a wave of relief washed over her face.

They walked out into the main room of the pent house floor and saw everyone standing doing their own thing.

"Hey everyone we are going to a place called a mall." Brooke announced as they walked by the couch, causing Bucky to chuckle once more. 

"Sounds like fun, I'm coming to." Nat said walking over to them.

"Yea Nat and I can help you pick out a dress for tonight!" Wanda came bouncing over as soon as the word "mall" was said.

"Why would she need a dress? What's happening tonight?" They never told Bucky anything. 

"Tony is throwing a party to celebrate the return of Peter, Vision, and Pietro." Steve yelled from across the room. 

"Ok you guys, I'll have Happy drive you all." Tony says walking past to go to his lab.

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