[5](Long chapter) *Mild language*

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Brooklyn POV:

Before she saw Bucky

It had been a few hours and now she was sure the thing that was watching her was gone. She ran back to the cave. But she could've sworn she heard her name being called a few miles away but she thought she had been hearing things.

She was soon back at her cave and entered. She laid down on the soft bear skin still in wolf form. She thought she heard someone climbing the outer walls of the cave but she was to tired to go look. She fell asleep quickly.


She jolted awake by the sound of a gun shot.

That can't be good.

She ran as fast as she could and saw another wolf laying a the ground.

"Winter, Winter stay awake." She spoke in wolf and nudged her friend.

"I-It's to late f-for me. It's ok." Winter breathed her final breath

She wasn't going to let the person who did this get away. She smelled him out and ran.

However when she got there the hunter was talking to someone. The other man had his arms crossed. She couldn't see his face very well but as soon as the hunter walked away and he uncrossed his arms she could immediately tell it was James Barnes. AKA Bucky. The only way she knew it was him was by his left metal arm.

Brooklyn slowly walk up to him as he knelt down and reached his human hand out. She didn't care for it as she turned human and jumped on him.

Time jump

"So that's what was watching me." Brooke had no clue what the Avengers were. She was never told. She didn't have a TV to watch the news. But what she did know was they were not alone in this universe.

She remember the attack of New York like it was yesterday. Not many, but a few of the aliens managed to get into the forest and she and her 'pack' of wolves protected the woods and the edge of New York City.

"Shit I forgot to call Steve. Want to go meet the rest of the Avengers?" Bucky asks her. She would never get used to his beautiful blue eyes. She had a small crush on him when they were in Hydra together but he didn't know that.

"Uhhh yea sure." She wanted to sound like she meant it was was ready to face the world but in reality her voice was laced with nervousness. Bucky helped her up.

"Wait," She said as she growled and almost immediately a wolf came. Brooklyn growled some incoherent words the said" ok lets go."

"What was that about?" He laughed while walking side by side with Brooke.

"Asking them to watch over my cave while I'm gone."

The rest of the walk was mostly in silence. And all of a sudden they were standing in front of Avengers tower.

They walked into the elevator." What floor sergeant Barnes?" A voice filled the elevator and Brooke jumped . Bucky chuckled then said" pent house please." The elevator immediately started going up scaring Brooke once more.

"What's wrong?" Bucky asked.

"I've never been on an elevator." She whispered.

" It's ok." Bucky reassured her. they soon reached the top floor. Bucky walked in while Brooke looked around. "Hello, who are you?" a strange voice pulled her from her thoughts.

"I-I'm Brooklyn, but you can call me Brooke." Her voice was something between a whisper and her normal voice. She looked at the people in front of her. She didn't know anyone's face that well. Almost everyone.

She could quickly tell who Loki is. She knew his smell, for he had gotten close enough to the edge of NYC during the battle of New York for the wolves to smell him.

"W-what are you doing here?!" Brooklyn tried to sound as brave as possible but her voice was laced with fear. Bucky looked over at her as soon as she said that he walked over to her.

"Hey, hey. It's ok. He's not going to hurt anyone. We got through to him." Bucky's voice was soft and calming. Brooklyn looked him in the eyes. His beautiful blue eyes.

Loki notice how sacred Brooke was and left.

"Whoa! How the hell did you bring her here!" A man came up to Brooke and Bucky pulling them from each others eyes.

"Hello Tony. Brooke, Tony. Tony, Brooke." Bucky said.

"Hello Brooke, do you mind if I run some tests? Some of the tests will be to make sure you are ok health wise. The others will be to see how you got your power and if you have any more. Is that ok?" Tony asked Brooke if it was ok, But from what Bucky told her, he always got his way.

"Uhhh yea s-sure." Brooke said shyly. Tony lead her to his lab were another man was already working.

"Hey Bruce, This is Brooke. Brooke this is Bruce. Banner I need some help. We can run some tests on her. Make sure she's healthy and look at her power." Tony was rushing for some reason.

"Yea ok. Here, sit on the table and take off your shirt." Bruce instructed. Brooke had never been around a man with her shirt off with out being cut, beat, thrown around, etc. , so she was hesitant. But she took off her shirt once she was on the table.

Her body was riddled with scars given to her by Hydra. She had bruises and cuts all over her upper torso. Some of them are badly infected.

"Holy shit...what happened?" Tony walked over to her and lightly brushed his fingers against her back. This made her shiver, But he accidently went over an infected wound. Making her groan in pain. "Sorry! Sorry!" Tony panicked.

Bruce grabbed some cleaning supplies and started to clean the infected areas. Soon the lab door opened.

"Hey how's-" Bucky went silent as he looked at Brookes body. He then walked over to her.

"Hydra got worse after you got out....but they made 10x worse for me then the other since I'm the one who helped you." She told him not wanting to see the guilt in his perfect eyes.

"Oh my god....I'm so sorry Brooke. If I had known I would have looked for you sooner." As she guessed he felt guilty. Brooke slowly grabbed his hand to try and tell him it was ok.

"Ok this is gonna sting." Bruce warned her before dabbing a cloth with some liquid she could only assume was cleaning alcohol because the pain it caused. as soon as Bruce connected skin with cloth she gripped Bucky's hand and tried not to show how much pain she was in.

"It's ok, he's almost done." Tony told her. He had taken some blood earlier and was now looking at it to see if she had any other powers.

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